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I woke up the next morning to make breakfast for me.

I changed into this:

I wore it and I paused as I passed Taehyung's room

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I wore it and I paused as I passed Taehyung's room.

I went inside and and he wasn't there so I started cleaning his room.

After that I headed out and went downstairs to make breakfast.

I did my breakfast it was pancakes!

I started eating as I got a call from jimin and I of course answered it:
Hey my best friend!
Hey jimin!
How are you?
I am fine thank you! How about you?
I am fine but I miss my best friend!
Don't worry after a week or two I will come back to work!
Let's hope ! Anyways how was your husband Taehyung!
He is good but a little cold but I am okay with it he reminds me of myself of my reaction when they told me I was marrying someone but I gotta admit he is extremely good looking.
But not more than me right?
I am sorry but he is!
I thought you were my friend!!!
I am sorry!
It's fine btw I gotta me and seulgi have a date!
Okay see ya!

After that I washed my dish and sat down on the couch watching TV.
Taehyung's POV

Today we had a lot of meetings and it made me frustrated.
As I was walking out my friend/worker, jungkook came.

" hey hyung!" He said as I looked at him.

" yeah?" I asked

" wanna hang out later with me and jimin?" He asked I thought about it.

" yeah sure!" I said.

" okay see ya hyung!" He said as he left.

7:30 pm

I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes then headed to the place where me,jungkook and jimin are going to meet.

I entered the cafe.

" hey hyung!" I heard jungkook and went to them.

" hey guys!" I said

" hey!" They replied as we started chatting and ordered the food then started chatting more and they brought the food we started eating and chatting.

" yeah tae hyung!You didn't tell us about your wife!" Jungkook said

" she is nice and gotta be honest beautiful!" I said eating.

" oooo, our Taehyung is in love?" Jimin said and wiggled his eyebrows.

I shook my head completing my food.

We sat there for 4 hours.

" is it weird that my girl best friend is married too! In the exact same day as Taehyung's wedding?" Jimin asked as I shrugged and sipped my drink.

" what's her name?" Jungkook asked

" cha y/n!" He said I chocked on my drink!

" what was her name?" I asked coughing.

" cha y/n? Why?" Jimin asked I shook my head.

" okay it's just that! Um anyways I have to go home early!" I said

" yeah go to your love life!" Jungkook said as I shook my head and left.
4 hours ago
I sat down and started to get bored.

" Taehyung told me not to wait for him but I will.." I said as I changed my clothes into my pj's

" I said as I changed my clothes into my pj's

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And went downstairs waiting for Taehyung.
Taehyung's POV
When I go home I will ask y/n if she knows a guy named park jimin?

As I opened the door I gotta admit it was cute I saw y/n curled up in a ball I smiled as I took off my shoes and carried her bridal style to her room and laid her down then covered her.

I sat down on her bed caressing her hair then kissed her head and went out of the room.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now