🔥30🔥 ( final 2)

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3 months later


I woke up with a headache.

" what the hell?" I asked rubbing my head and sitting up.

Then door opened and I saw a doctor.

" SHE WOKE UP! PLEASE NURSES COME CHECK! ITS A MIRACLE!" He said as nurses came and they started checking me.

Eunwoo's POV

I was sitting with the others ( jimin, kook, tae, Jisoo, and jennie)

When suddenly I got a call.

Who did?

He hung up

I stood up
" where are yo-"

" Y/N WOKE UP!!" I said as they all stood and we all ran to the hospital.

" where is she?" I asked

" she is in room 1712." She said

" thanks!" We headed to the room number.

We entered the room.

" Eunwoo oppa?" I heard Y/N's voice.

" Y/N!" I said as I hugged her.

" I missed you." I said as I sobbed.

" why what happened- oh okay." She said and nodded.

" MY BFF!!" Jimin said and hugged her.

We all hugged her.

Taehyung's POV

I smiled as I saw them hugging.

" maybe we should leave them." Jungkook said making them nod.

" we will come back, just will buy some food for Y/N" Eunwoo said as I nodded.

They left.


I looked at Y/N.

I saw her looking at her fingers.

I grabbed a chair and sat next to her.

" Y-Y/N I am so sorry about what happened at the park, and I really didn't meant it, I am sorry." I said.

" Taehyung, even though I only remember a little, but I know either way you won't believe me, you see I fell In love with you from the first time I saw you, and I was shocked to marry, a handsome, cute guy like you. But sadly we are divorced now." She said

" not really." I said

" what do you mean?" She asked me.

" well we didn't technically divorce, because I didn't sign the paper and I threw it in the garbage, I am so sorry." I said.

" it's okay, but Taehyung." I looked at her.

" do you really love me?" She asked me.

" of course I do, when I started to love you, I realized that I had never loved anyone like this before, I love you to the moon and back." I said a so kissed her hand.

" so do you want to try again?" I asked her.

" I would love to." She said


I nervously walked down the aisle with Eunwoo by my side.

I smiled as I saw Taehyung and he smiled back.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah

" Taehyung, would you take Y/N as your living wife?" He asked

" I do." He said

" Y/N, would you take Taehyung as your loving husband?"

" I-I do." I said as Taehyung chuckled.

" now you may kiss the bride." He said

Taehyung cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.
" I love you."

" I love you too."

" And that's how me and your mommy met!" I said

" cool! Do you have another story?" Taemin our son asked

" no sorry kids."

" appa!!!" Yeonjun whined.

" kids be quiet your gonna wake up your baby sister." I said coming downstairs.

" uncle Eunwoo is gonna come today so behave!" Taehyung said

" yes appa!" They both said and started playing.

" I love you."

" love you too"

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now