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Your POV

I woke up the next day remembering what Eunwoo told me yesterday.

" you have to tell him, if you love him, go fight for him, don't let anything come between your love."

I sighed.

I will try.

I changed into this:

Then went downstairs, grabbed something to eat on the way as I headed to work

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Then went downstairs, grabbed something to eat on the way as I headed to work.

" ayo!" I said as I entered <dont worry, there will still no people>

" AYO!" Jimin said back.

" stop acting like children and get to work." Our boss said, making us laugh and go behind the cashier register.

" so Y/N, can you come to my house later?" Jimin asked.

" why?" I asked.

" because, I have a new dance to show you." He said making me chuckle.

" yeah sure, and I will show you mine." I said as he nodded and we got to work.


To be honest...

The whole time I have been thinking about it. ( IT: what Eunwoo said)

Should I tell him?

Not now, maybe later.

I continued working.


" Y/N are you sure everything is okay?" Jimin asked me as I nodded.

" I know you aren't, please tell me, I hate seeing you like this." He said as I sighed and smiled at him.

"what is it?" He asked.

" okay, well Eunwoo told me that if I still love Taehyung, I have to go fight for him and ignore what Mrs.kim said!"I said as he smiled.

" what did she say?" He asked

" to stay away from Taehyung." I said as his eyes widened.

" I gotta say, I agree with Eunwoo." He said making me pout.

" no really think about it, you have to fight for him." He said as I sighed.

" I'll try today." I said

" right after I show you my dance." He said making me smile.

We are now at Jimin's house and he is going to show me his dance.

( skip to 1:41)

I clapped as he bowed.

" my turn!" I said getting ready.

" WOW! You go Y/N." He said making me smile.

" now, go and talk to him." Jimin said

" let me breath." I said sitting down.

" NO, you have to talk to him." He said pulling me to the front door.

" okay okay, see ya chim." I said

" see ya! And good luck." He said

" thanks." I said as I headed home.


I went and changed my clothes.

And I headed to Taehyung's home

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And I headed to Taehyung's home.

Knock knock.

" Y/N?" I looked and saw Mrs.kim.

" hello is Taehyung here?" I asked she glared at me.

" what did I say? Stay away from him, he doesn't love you anymore, and if you came back here I will make sure you will suffer." She said

" bu-"

" bye." She said and slammed the door.

I sighed as I walked back.

" Y/N?" I heard, I looked and saw Taehyung.

" oh hey." I said

" what are you doing here?" He asked

" um, you know just walking around the neighborhood." I said

Well that was a lame excuse 😒

" oh, you can come into our house! If you want?" He asked.

" I wou-

if you came back here I will make sure you will suffer.

" I would love to, but I need to go home early, right now." I said as he nodded.

" I hope i see you around." He said as I nodded.

" same here, bye." I said

" bye." He said as we both left.


I got home and took off my shoes.

I sat down in the couch with my face in my knees.

I felt the couch sink, like someone sat next to me.

" hey sis, did it work?" I heard Eunwoo ask.

" I-I, I c-couldn't do it." I stuttered.

I heard him sigh as he hugged me.

" don't worry, there is always a second try." He said as I shook my head.

" you don't get it, I can't speak, I can't even say the words, maybe we aren't meant to be." I said making him chuckle.

" you are telling me that you are both not meant to be, the way you look at each other, the way you feel towards each other, the way you SMILE towards each other, and you are telling me you guys are not meant to be?" He said making me smile.

" okay, I'll try." I said.

" that's the Y/N I know." He said as he patted my head.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now