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Your POV

I was getting ready to go on my last date with tae.

This is what I wore:

I sprayed some perfume then got my purse and headed downstairs

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I sprayed some perfume then got my purse and headed downstairs.

" see ya sis." Eunwoo said as I waved at him and headed outside to see Taehyung.

" Eunwoo said as I waved at him and headed outside to see Taehyung

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I smiled as I saw him.

I went to him and hugged him.

" ready?" He asked as I nodded.

We went inside the car and headed to somewhere.

As we got there I noticed that Taehyung took me into a fancy restaurant.

" thank you." I said as he opened the door for me.

As we were walking Taehyung held my hand and kissed my cheek,I smiled.

We sat down and got our order.

We kept chatting and chatting till the food came, we started eating.

" how was the food?" Taehyung asked

" delicious." I said as he chuckled.

We paid them headed out somewhere?

We stopped by a parking and we kept talking.

" so what do you want to do now?" He asked

" let's try a new cake recipe! Let's go to the grocery store then go home then we make the cake, and then we..."

" how about after that we make a pillow fort, watch some Netflix or movies as we cuddle." He said making me nod.

" let's go." He said as we headed to the grocery store and bought some ingredients then headed home.

We went into our room to change, I changed into this:

I headed downstairs and took out the ingredients then waited for Taehyung

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I headed downstairs and took out the ingredients then waited for Taehyung.

As he came.

We started doing the cake I did the mixing and stuff as Taehyung is adding the ingredients

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We started doing the cake I did the mixing and stuff as Taehyung is adding the ingredients.

As we were waiting for the cake to be baked.

" y/n..." I heard I turned around to see Taehyung his hand is covered in flour.

" NO! Don't you dare." I said as he started to come closer.

I looked to my right too see a bag of flour, I stuffed my hand in it and did a mark on his face.

" YAH!" He said as I tried to run away but he grabbed me.

" come here." He said as he drew a mustache on me with flour.

I got a sneeze coming.

" wait wait." I said making him stop and hug.


" sorry." I said .

" it's okay now let's see the cake."He said as I nodded and I wore my cooking clothes ( you know which one) and took out the cake and it looked delicious.

" let's decorate it!" He said as we started decorating.

It turned out:

Delicious and amazing

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Delicious and amazing.

We sat down and started eating.

" it's yummy." I said as he nodded.

After that we cleaned up the built the pillow fort.

I headed upstairs to change into my pj's me and tae were matching:

I headed upstairs to change into my pj's me and tae were matching:

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We sat inside the pillow fort and played a movie as we cuddled.

2 hours later.

" you asleep?" He asked as I shook my head.

" let's go." He said standing.

" where?" I asked he just took my hand in his and we headed up the roof.

We sat down Star gazing.

" what do you think?" He asked.

" beautiful." I said

" like you." He said making me blush as I looked at him.

He came closer.

" Y/N, I just wanted to tell you that, you are the most prettiest most amazing beautiful goofiest cutest wife I would ever ask for." He said making me smile and tear up.

" I love you." I said

" I love you too." He said as he leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed him back and enjoyed it.

Since it's going to be our last.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now