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Your POV

I was sitting making dinner until I got a text message from...

Hey y/n!
Can we hang out tomorrow!
You can bring Taehyung with you too!
It will be wonderful 😍
Text me back what is your answer!

I sighed as I dried my hands and took my phone. But then Taehyung came and saw the message.

" text her you would like to go but I can't come.." he said coldly looking at me as I nodded

Hey! I would love to come 💗
But I am not sure if Taehyu-

" n-no right my tae!" He said smirking.

But my tae won't come because he is busy😕

Oh no it's fine!
But I am sorry I have a lot of meetings tomorrow!
Sorry ttyl.


After I closed my phone I looked at Taehyung who was giggling.

" well I told you.." he said as I nodded continued making dinner.

As I was cutting the vegetables.


I got scared as I chopped but what did I chop?
Exactly MY FINGER!!!
Well I didn't chop it but it is a deep wound

" ahh..." I mumbled as I placed my finger under the cold water.

" I didn't even get a bless yo- oh my god!" He said shocked as he ran away and came back with a aid kit.

He slowly turned off the water and started drying and rapped it with a band aid.

" bless you!" I said

" thank you!" He said as he let go of my hand.

" next time be careful with the knife! How about we order food?" He asked I nodded

" this food that I am making isn't even that good!" I said.

He was ordering the food and I went to the pool and dipped my legs inside.

This is now my best place eve-

" YAH!" I said as someone splashed water at me.

I looked at that person to see tae.

" don't yah at your husband!" He said as we both laughed

" well don't splash water at your wife!" I said

" I am so sorry!" He said as he came to me and kissed my cheeks.

" anyways dinner is here!" He said as I nodded and we headed inside to eat.

After I finished eating I was sitting on the couch as Taehyung went to the bathroom.

Then I felt Taehyung's phone vibrated like he got a text.

I wonder who it is?

I checked his phone to see a message from Sana.

Hi oppa..
You know since you were forced to be married that doesn't mean you love Y/N..
You know you can come to my house, my parents are out of town 😏.
Hit me up later.

" what are you doing?" I heard Taehyung's voice.

" I-uh-"

" look just because you are my 'wife' that doesn't mean you can check something that it includes my privacy.." he said coldly.

" goodnight!" He sternly as he went to his room.

I shook my head.

He is right...
Besides we were forced married.
It's not my business if he was dating someone or likes someone or not.

I sighed as I went to my room and wore my pj's.

I sighed as I went to my room and wore my pj's

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And headed to bed.

Sana's POV

I was sitting looking at Y/N that she was sitting on the couch I smirked.

If I wrote a message she would be curious and would check his phone, then he would come back and see her with his phone and he will get mad and stuff, so I will keep doing it until he wants to divorce her!

I texted him this message

Hi oppa..
You know since you were forced to be married that doesn't mean you love Y/N..
You know you can come to my house, my parents are out of town 😏.
Hit me up later.

I smirked as I sended it and I kept watching.

Taehyung came down seeing Y/N with his phone he didn't look happy.

He said something coldly and left the room making Y/N sighing sadly.

I smiled as my plan worked.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now