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Your POV

I was watching TV I woke up early today, it is 9:00 am, and I figured that in this time it would be a beautiful day outside the park.

I went to Taehyung's room as I knocked on the door.

" come in." I heard as I I opened the door I saw Taehyung sitting on his computer working I was guessing.

" um Taehyung..." I asked as he looked at me.

" can I go to the park?" I asked

" why are you asking me? Am I a parent to you?" He asked annoyed.

" I -um no-"

" then go and leave me alone!" He said as I left.

I sighed as I changed my clothes into this:

I sighed as I changed my clothes into this:

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Then I headed out the door to the park.


As I was walking a couple of cute girls came to me.

" hello!" One of them said.

" hi" I replied.

" I am guessing you are cha y/n, Taehyung's wife?" She asked as I nodded

" how do you know?" I asked

" oh I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Minatozaki Sana! I am Taehyung best friend!" She said as I shook her hand.

" nice to meet you!" I said " and those are my best friends! Momo and Tzuyu!" She Introduced them as I shook my hands with them.

" we were heading to the cafe, I was wondering if you wanna come?" Sana asked I nodded.

We sat in a table and started chatting.

" how many days or weeks or months! You've been married to my tae- I mean to Taehyung?" Sana asked

" well it's been now two weeks!" I said as she nodded.

We kept talking and chatting.

I checked my watch and I realized that it was 3:30 pm

Wow I was here so long.

" I am really sorry girls! But I have to go I am so late!" I said as they nodded.

" hey we can exchange numbers and we can hang out!" Sana said as I nodded and exchanged my number with her.

" see ya!" She said as I said it back and sprinted home.


When I got home I closed the door behind to see Taehyung arms crossed waiting for me.

" I can explain-"

" explain what?!?" He said

" I am really sorry!" I said looking down as he came towards me and brought me into his embrace.

" I thought you ran away because of what I said.." he said as he hugged me tightly.

" no i didn't I was just hanging out with some girls, and don't worry i knew you were busy.." I said as he smiled and kissed my cheek that made me blush.

" anyways what girls?" He asked


Taehyung's POV

" anyways which girls?" I asked her

" um she is your best friend, um I think her name was ahh.... aha! Minatozaki Sana! Yeah Sana!" She Exclaimed as I choked on my own saliva.

" are you okay?" She asked patting my back.

" let me remember, Minatozaki Sana!" I said as she nodded.

" why what's wrong?" She asked I shook my head.

" oh is she the Sana that-"

" yes, she is..." I said as I sighed and sat on the couch and she sat next to me.

" how do you know it's her?" I asked

" Jennie unnie, she told me!" She said

Of course.

" um look I am not telling you not to hang out with her, I just want to tell you that just be careful when you hang out with her.." I said holding her hands.

" and! I don't want her to hurt you, and if she ask you any private questions about you or its about your family or if you had a past relationship!Just don't answer her!" I said as she nodded

" because she is way too evil and she would do anything to take you down!" I told her.

When I looked at her she looked terrified.

I hugged her tightly.

" don't worry, I am not trying to scare you it's just that I am telling you to be careful around her, arasso?" I told her as I felt her nod.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now