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I woke up the next morning but still Taehyung's hands wrap around my waist.

I sat up as he groaned.

" why?"

" work." I said as he opened his eyes and checked the time.

7:30 am.

" aigoo..." he said as he groaned I smiled as I stood up and went to the bathroom.

I changed my clothes into this:

I did light make up and headed to Taehyung as he was sitting on the bed

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I did light make up and headed to Taehyung as he was sitting on the bed.

" hey tae, um I maybe will late today.." I said

" why?" He asked .

" it's because I have a meeting and I said maybe..." I said as he sighed and gave me a reassuring smile.

" it's okay don't worry about me and don't overwork yourself!" He said as he kissed my forehead.

I smiled as I took an apple and headed to work.

" hey Y/N!" Jimin said

" hey!" I replied.

We both headed to the meeting room.

" good morning Y/N, jimin." Boss said

" good morning!" We both replied as we sat in the chairs.

" so what I wanted to say that we will upgrade our cafe a little so we will change the location." He said as me and jimin looked at each other like..

" WHAT?!?" We both said as we stood up

" sit down.." he said as we sat.

" but this place holds so much memories!" Jimin said

" and it's were we met too!" I said

" I am sorry but don't worry we will go visit the new place but we can't say no cause I already paid for it,okay?" He said as I sighed

" if it's for the cafe I am in." I said as he smiled

" me too!" Jimin said " after all, we all made through this together right?" He asked as we all nodded.

" then let's go!" Boss said as we went inside the car.


Taehyung's POV

" today, my best pal or friend dong won, so I want you guys to welcome him and his friends/workers!" My Boss said

" but where are they going to work?" Jungkook asked.

" you see that cafe right next to us!" He asked as we looked at it and nodded.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now