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Your POV
I woke up in my bed?
I shook my head and changed my clothes into this:

Your POVI woke up in my bed?I shook my head and changed my clothes into this:

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I went downstairs to make breakfast.

As I was making breakfast it was silent until....
" didn't I tell you to not wait for me yesterday?" I heard Taehyung's voice.

I turned around.

" I-um I am sorry..." I said

" at least I know you care for me.." I heard Taehyung I looked up and saw Taehyung's box smile.

" okay then, next dont wait for me so you can't sleep,it's not good for your health!" He said as I nodded and made breakfast for the both of us.

We sat down and ate.

" by the way.." he said I looked up from my food.

" do you know anyone named park jimin or eye smile jimin?" He asked I sighed

" did he sent that I got jams or stuff because he is crazy!" I said as he laughed

" so you know him?" He asked I nodded

" he is my best friend since diapers, why?" I asked

" because me,jimin and jungkook  my friends were talking but suddenly jimin said your name and I thought he mistaken for someone else but no you really are his girl best friend.!" He said as I nodded.

" how do you know him?" I asked him.

" I known him ever since I started working in the company and before working in the company so let's say, 5 years!" He said I nodded.

" I can't believe he didn't told his best friend that he had an another best friend..." me and Taehyung said in unison.

We looked up and laughed.

" do you really think jimin has jams?" He asked

" no I don't think so, but I tell him so he won't be sad!" I said he nodded as we started eating.


" hey y/n!" I heard Taehyung come in to my room.

" yeah?" I asked

" do you wanna go for a walk?" He asked I nodded.

" sure! When?" I asked

" now." He said I nodded as he left and I changed my clothes into this

" He said I nodded as he left and I changed my clothes into this

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Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now