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Your POV

Should I tell him?

But like his mother would be mad...

Oh my god this is like a horror movie.

I went downstairs and changed into this:

I went to the park and got some ice cream

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I went to the park and got some ice cream.

I really want something to cool my stress down.

" hey Y/N!" I heard Taehyung coming my way.

Greatest day, am I right😑?

" oh hey taehyung!" I fake smiled.

" are you okay?" He asked

" yes why?" I asked him.

" It's because when you get stressed or sad, you fake smile." He said making me crack a smile.

" Come on, tell me what's bothering you." He said.

I should tell him.

" Okay but let's sit in a different place." I said as he nodded.

" so what did you want to talk about?" He asked as we sat on a bench.

" well," I said

I told him everything.

" wait what?" He asked shocked.

" yeah." I said

"Okay, Listen Y/N if you want to get back with me, don't lie." He said sternly.

"I swear Taehyung, I am not lying." I defended.

" whatever." He said as He left.

" but taehyung." I said as I saw his figure fade.

I sighed as I stood up and made my way home.

" Hey sissy!" I heard Eunwoo.

Play Cool.

" Hey Oppa!" I said smiling.

" So, how did it go?" He asked me.

Eunwoo's POV

" So, how did it go?" I asked her.

That's when I saw her smile fade-away.

Oh Y/N.

I walked up to her and held her shoulders.

" Look if you aren't ready today, you can tell him another day." I said as she looked at me.

" No, it's not that." She said.

" Then what is it?" I asked her.

" I told him, but he didn't believe me, obviously." She said.

" I am so sorry Y/N." I said as I hugged her.

I felt her sob.

" Eunwoo, I told you, we aren't meant to be." She sobbed.

I hate to say this but I think so.

" But Y/N-"

" There is no buts Eunwoo, I just want so alone time." She said as I nodded.

She smiled weakly and left to her room.

I sighed as I sat down on the couch.


I looked to my right and saw that it was Y/N's phone.

I answered.
Oh hey Eunwoo, it's Jimin!
Oh hey Jimin hyung!
So, how did it go? You know with Taehyung?
Well, she did tell him, but he didn't believe her.
To be honest, if I was Taehyung I wouldn't believe her.
I know, I am sure there is a way.
Well say hi to Y/N for me.
Sure will, see ya soon hyung.
See ya.

I hung up and headed upstairs.

" Y/N?" I knocked on the door.

" Come in." I heard her faint voice.

I went inside to see her sitting on her desk.

" I just wanted to tell you, That Jimin said hi to you." I said

" He called?" She asked

" Yeah, but I answered, since you forgot your phone downstairs." I said as I handed her, her phone.

" Thanks." She said

" Are you okay?" I asked her as I sat on her bed.

" I don't know." She said

" Don't worry, maybe I was wrong." I said as I looked at her and she nodded.

" well it's time to go to bed, go to your room, tomorrow we have to wake up early." She said

" why?" I asked her

" work." She said as I nodded and stood up.

" good night." I said.

" night." She said, I sighed as I left to my room.

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now