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Your POV

I stayed in my room for the whole night too.

I felt empty without him.

He was like a part of my heart ( sorry if it was cringe.)

" what am I without him? Who am I?" I asked myself

I sighed as I stood up.

I looked at the time.

4:30 am.

I sighed as I went downstairs.

I saw Eunwoo sitting on the couch working.

He didn't notice me which is good, because if he did he will scold m-

" are you okay? Your a heavy sleeper it's weird you didn't sleep or you just woke up?"I heard him I looked behind me I saw him smiling looking at me.

I headed and sat next to him as I shook my head.

" look the sunrise is almost here, we can go if you want?" He asked making me smile and nod.

I headed upstairs to change:

I went downstairs to see Eunwoo ready

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I went downstairs to see Eunwoo ready.

" let's go!" He said making me nod.

We headed outside and to the beach.

It was cold but worth it.

We sat down watching the sunrise.

" what did you guys do on your last day together?" He asked making me sigh.

" we went on a nice fancy date, we then went back home did a Cake, then we did a pillow fort and watched some movies and cuddled." I said smiling remembering.

" that's cute." He said making me smile.

" well, we have to go home since, it's early in the morning and you have work so do I" he said standing up.

I stood up too.

" I am not in the mood, to go to work." I said as he nodded understanding.

" let's go." He said as he placed his arms around my shoulder and headed home.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As I sat on my scrolling through my phone with pictures of me and Taehyung.

Imagine it's you and tae:

Forced marriage/KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now