Chapter One

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I was just walking downstairs to my studio space for my afternoon rehearsal time when my cell phone started ringing. Seeing that it was Taryn, my agent, I answered the call and put it straight to speaker phone while I pulled out a mat and started stretching.
“Hey, T. What’s up?”
“Hey, Milana,” She sounded excited about something. “I wanted to make sure I caught you before you went down to rehearse. I just got a call that you’ll be very excited about!”
“Oooh, I smell an audition!” I couldn’t help but be excited. This kind of stuff was literally what I lived for.
“Yes ma’am! Now, this is a super big deal kind of audition,''she explained. “They only called a very limited number of performers, and they are only going to keep three to five of you for the actual tour.” Oh, that’s different. Usually, there are at least ten of us.
“Why so selective?” I asked.
“Because the group has never used performers before, and they are just trying this out. Their management team would like to see what kind of dynamic it will add to their shows.”
I almost couldn’t stand the wait any longer. “Okay, T! Who am I auditioning for? I don’t have too much time before I need to get working over here.”
“Oh, right,” She laughed, as if she had really forgotten to clue me in. “It’s One Direction.”
“Wait, what?” I paused. “They’ve never used other performers on stage, though!”
“Duh!” She laughed again. “That’s what I already told you. From what I understand, their management is just trying to keep things looking new and fresh on stage. The guys seem less than thrilled, though, which is why they have compromised down to such a small number.”
“Such a rare chance!” I grinned big. “And they specifically called you?”
“Yup!” I could almost hear her nodding through the phone. “You aren’t to tell anyone about it. In fact, I’ll be by this evening with a contract that you have to sign before they will accept your initial audition tape. They want this as quiet as possible.”
Wow. A contract just to audition!? No games being played around here. “Alright, that sounds great to me. I just went grocery shopping this morning, so I’ll get something made up for tonight. See you at six o’clock?”
Taryn agreed, and we ended our phone call. At this point, I was completely stretched. Before I got to working on my turns and tricks, I made a note in my phone to look into video clips of past One Direction tours. If I was going to score one of these very limited spots, I needed to make sure my audition tape really showed that I could fit into their style on stage.


I was still in my dance gear when I answered the door for Taryn at 5:50 that evening, but I had freshened up, and dinner was in the oven for just another five or so minutes. In her hands, I saw a big manila envelope (that looked way too thick for just an initial starter contract) and a bottle of my favorite white wine: moscato.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have!” I smiled, pulling her in for a hug and leading her towards the kitchen to pour us each a glass. “I haven’t even made an audition tape yet, T!”
She just shrugged, smiling and accepting her glass. “Getting this call is cause for celebration enough!”
We chatted a bit more until dinner was ready. I let Taryn set the table while I pulled the casserole out. Taryn knows to expect casserole any time a call to audition gets made. It’s a big comfort food for me, and I end up getting so focused with rehearsing during “crunch time” that a big meal like a casserole won’t happen again until after this tour is over.
As the meal came to a close, our bottle of wine was empty, and we each accepted mugs of coffee as we transitioned to the living room to discuss the contract she brought over.
“I’ve already looked it over, and while it is very long and specific, it isn’t really all that outrageous,” She explained. “Most of this is typical pre-audition etiquette, but I’m getting the feeling more and more that their management team is highly hands-on and specific about every little thing they do.”
We continued to look it all over, and just like she told me, nothing seemed abnormal at all about the contract. It was just odd to see it all spelled out that specifically. Either way, it didn’t bother me too much at all. This wasn’t my first tour or audition; I knew how to behave myself properly. I signed the contract in all five places, and Taryn notarized for me.
“Well, I know you still have plenty to do tonight and an early morning tomorrow,” Taryn said.
“As always,” I chuckled at myself. “When do I need to be ready to get the tape recorded?”
“I’ll be by to pick it up tomorrow evening if that’s okay with you,” She told me. “This tour actually starts on the 7th of next month, so they are pretty pressed for time.”
“No problem,” I smiled and started walking her towards the front door. “Come by around five to get it recorded? We can order in some food for dinner tomorrow night.”
“Sounds fabulous!” She grinned, hugging me. “I’ll bring David by with me to get that whole process started back up.” I nodded at her that I understood and waved her good-bye.
David was my nutrition coach. He came in when the audition process started to help track what I was eating and how often I was eating, as I tend to easily forget food when I am working so diligently for a job. He also helped with my nutrition while I was travelling on the tours, as consciously eating isn’t always something that’s easy to monitor. He was a really good friend of mine, too, and we always had a great time together.
Now that I was alone at home again, I slipped upstairs to shower and get ready to go to sleep. It was already 9:00, and while that wasn’t all too late, I had been up since 5:00 this morning, and I’d be doing the same tomorrow morning. I decided to skip my evening workout and watch a movie in bed instead. I wanted to revel in a bit of relaxation before the audition stress hit me again.


I spent the entire next morning working, and I was right back in my basement studio after lunch, as well. I had three hours until Taryn and David would be here. My updated height and weight needed to be included on the resume, as well as my BMI. David would take care of all of that. Taryn would have my resume and my headshot with her. I just needed to be dressed and ready to perform. No big deal. I had been doing this kind of thing since I was eighteen years old.
Just shy of an hour before they got to my house, I grabbed a towel and dried off before heading upstairs to put on my audition film wear: a white sports bra and long white athletic leggings. I would stay barefoot for the video. I have learned this trick because if I am barefoot, they can imagine me in any shoe they may need me to be in.
I was just finishing up my new ponytail and heading back to the main floor when the doorbell rang. I ushered Taryn and David inside and straight downstairs. It was time to get straight to business. I had limited prep time (which is why I stay rehearsing), and they needed this tape by tomorrow in L.A.

“Alright, I’ve got the video going in 3, 2, . . .” Taryn sent me my cue, her fingers hovering over my laptop, ready to play the music when the time came.
“My name is Milana Acryn. I was born on March 2, 1993, and I am 21 years old. I live in Malibu, California, and I have been dancing since I was two years old. I started as a recreational student, and by the age of four, I was competing. I continued my competitive career through all of high school, but at the age of thirteen, I also began taking commercial classes. I booked my first performance three days shy of my eighteenth birthday: a commercial gig for Nickelodeon. Less than a year later, I booked a full stadium tour with Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber’s tour followed. Travelling is a passion of mine, and I have a heart for commercial dancing. Today, I will be performing a jazz-centered routine that displays a variety of turns and tricks, as well as audience-interactive pieces.”

And then I danced.

I danced, and I loved it. I felt absolutely, just the way I did every day when I was down here rehearsing a new turn combination or a new trick. It was exhilarating beyond anything I could ever explain to anyone. It was better than any words I could use to try to describe it. Dance gave me the love and acceptance that my hot shot parents didn’t, and it gave me the utmost attention that no one outside of the industry ever gave me.

Dance gave me life.


Hey everyone! I have been off the grid, as far as writing goes, lately! I am back and loving every bit of it, though!
Welcome to my new story: Dance With Me!

This chapter hit about 1500 words, but moving forward, most chapters will be a little longer.
Please feel free to ALWAYS comment on or vote for my chapters! I absolutely love hearing from you all.

Cheers to DWM! -♡-

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