Chapter Nineteen

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Being back in Doncaster had been so good for us, that come February, we were still at Louis’ apartment. We had begun a pretty great routine that worked well for the both of us, which is why I was surprised to find Louis asleep on the couch when I came back from the gym. We usually go together, but I spent some afternoons back there alone, using an open studio space that they had, so I could keep up with my training.
On days like this, Louis would normally be writing or doing something in the office when I got back. This was his time to continue whatever social media presence that he was required to uphold until the split actually became official. In fact, just yesterday, they had a big live interview while I was in the gym.
I could tell it was kind of putting him in a funk, though. He felt like he had been lying to his fans by withholding and not acknowledging what he knew was about to happen. I don’t blame him for skipping out today and taking a nap instead.
I needed to take a shower before we started up work on dinner, anyway, so I let him continue to sleep. I was beginning to get slightly irritated with how Simon was having them drag things out before announcing this break. It wasn’t peaceful, and it was hard on the boys - feeling like they were lying to the people who got them where they were. I knew there had to be a method to Simon’s madness, though, so I tried to stay silent and supportive whenever Louis needed me.
When I was finished showering, and I was dressed in more comfortable clothing, I made my way back out into the living space. Louis was still sleeping, but I knew I needed to wake him up now. He loved helping me put together this casserole (ever since I showed him how), and I knew he would be upset if I let him sleep through it.
“Hey baby,” I smiled softly, crouching in front of his face and pushing some hair out of his eyes. He really did need to get a haircut soon. I frowned a bit: he felt a little warm. “Louis, do you want to wake up? I’m about to start work on dinner if you would like to help.” He peaked his eyes open just a bit, and I was surprised to see that they looked a little fevered.
“Not hungry,” He mumbled.
I kissed his forehead. “Well it will be about an hour or so before it’s time to eat, dear. We have to get it all put together and in the oven first. Would you like to help?” I repeated the question. He shook his head, wincing a bit after he did it, curling back into the couch. “Alright, LouBug. Get some rest for me.”
A fever explained his extra nap, at least.
Sighing, I stood back up and made my way into the kitchen. If Louis was coming down with something, maybe soup would be a better option for dinner tonight. There was already chicken thawed in the fridge (set aside for the casserole), so I grabbed some peas and carrots from the freezer. There was broth in the pantry, and I was able to find a box of pasta noodles tucked away, too. I’m glad I had been teaching Louis how to keep his kitchen stocked; it was coming in handy tonight.
“Chicken noodle soup, it is,” I smiled, getting to work. Cooking had never been hard for me, but it definitely hadn’t ever been one of my favorite things to do. Louis was an absolutely dreadful cook most of the time, though, so most of it fell on me. It was becoming very therapeutic for me, so even though I was a little worried about Louis’ fever, I was calm and happy while I got the soup together.
While it was simmering on the stove, I slipped back upstairs to Louis’ bathroom. I needed to know what kind of medicine he kept on hand. Knowing how scarce his kitchen was when we arrived, I expected to find nothing. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to find a couple bottles in one of the drawers. It was only ibuprofen and some pepto bismol, but it was better than nothing.
I kept the ibuprofen in hand and went back downstairs. By now, the soup should be just about done. I checked on it quickly before grabbing a glass of water and going in to check on Louis once more. He was still curled up on the couch, asleep and shivering.
“Hey baby,” I spoke softly, turning him around to face me. “I have something that might help you feel better, okay?” He opened his eyes and started trying to sit up. I backed off to give him room to sit before I passed him the medicine and water. He didn’t say anything, but he took it all with no complaints. “I made soup for dinner instead of that casserole, is that okay?”
He nodded, slowly, and actually smiled a little at me. “I can smell it.”
I smiled, leaving forward and kissing him on the forehead. Still warm. “Would you like to try some of it?”
“Can we eat on the couch?” He asked, begging me with his eyes.
“Of course,” I answered. “Let me go get our bowls made, yeah?” In the time it took me to get back to the kitchen, make our bowls, and grab myself a glass of water, Louis had disappeared from the couch. At first, I panicked, wondering if he was getting sick in the bathroom. However, in a matter of seconds, he was walking back in the living room, having grabbed a thick throw blanket from the closet in the hall. “Are you cold, Louis?”
“I am,” He confessed, tucking himself into the blanket on the couch. “The blanket and the soup will help. Can we watch some trash tv while we eat tonight?”
“Louis, we can do whatever you want to do tonight. How are you feeling?”
He took a sip of his soup before answering. “Kind of like rubbish,” he admitted. “Like, I feel sluggish, but that’s about it.”
“You have a fever, but I don’t think it’s very high,” I told him. “That’s probably what’s making you feel so run down. I gave you ibuprofen earlier, as it was all I could find. Hopefully that can help some. Otherwise, I think we just need to relax and let your fever run its course.”
He just nodded, laying his head on my shoulder and taking another bit of soup.

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