Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hidden in the closet in the guest bedroom was Louis’ surprise gift. I was planning on giving it to him just before dessert. Jay had helped me collect everything without making anyone else suspicious. Surprisingly enough, not even the media had caught the slightest whiff of the pregnancy. Thankfully.
6 weeks today.
It had been a really long week, and here we were, ending it with a dinner party and a flight tomorrow morning, back to California. Louis was excited to be back state-side, but I was conflicted. I had a family in London that actually cared for me. I didn’t have that in Malibu. I needed Jay’s help with this pregnancy. How could I do that with so many miles between us?
I was going to talk to Louis about moving to London. Together. Maybe we could keep a small place in California, since we both had business there. I could sell my little New York flat, too. I just wanted to stay close to the family.
We had gotten back to Louis’ apartment about four hours ago. After we had both showered, I was full of energy. Odd, I know. So I let Louis nap, and I set to work tidying up the place and getting some food started. Now, dinner was just an hour and a half away, but Louis’ family would arrive any time now. I went to wake him up.
Surprisingly, he was awake, checking his email on his laptop. “Hey, love,” He smiled at me. “Ready for me to get my arse ready?”
I laughed. “How’d you know I would work better with you out of the way?”
“Just a hunch.” He kissed me before closing his laptop and getting up to get ready. With him dressed and his hair fixed, one way or another, we both made our way back downstairs.
Honestly, I was a nervous wreck, and it made it worse that Louis had no idea. I didn’t get nervous much, and when I did, Louis was so good at noticing and comforting me. Now, though? Now, I had to hide my fear, even from him, and that cost me the comfort that came from things like his Tomlinson hugs. Nevertheless, I did my best to ignore the swirling in my stomach while I frosted the chocolate cake that Louis seemed to love so much. I was just about finished when the doorbell rang. Louis answered it, and moments later, he was back in the kitchen, Lottie right behind him.
"Lottie!" I yelled, grinning and pulling her into a hug. Lucky for me, she inherited her Mother's hugs, just like Louis. 

"Milana, I've missed you!"We chatted for several minutes, making our way from the kitchen and into the living room

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"Milana, I've missed you!"
We chatted for several minutes, making our way from the kitchen and into the living room. Bless Louis; he got the cake set up on its stand and started work on the salad. He knew how much I enjoyed having a chance to talk and be with Lottie. She was like the sister I had never gotten. Truly, she was a female Louis. Easily, she had become my best friend.
God, I loved this family.

Within the hour, everyone else made their way into the house. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. I could have cried from the wholeness of it all. For a moment, I feared that I would actually give into the tears. If I did that, Louis would surely know that something was going on. I needed to hold myself together tonight . . . at least until it was time for dessert.
"Chin up, dear," Jay came up beside me in the kitchen and pulled me into a hug. "He's going to be beside himself with excitement."
I laid my head on her shoulder, drying my wet hands on a towel. "I know, I know. I just can't help the nerves."
"That's quite alright," She smiled. "Come on now, let's get the table set to eat."
Jay and Felicity helped Louis and me get the table set and the dishes brought out. In just a matter of minutes, everything was ready, and we were all sitting down for the meal. Even knowing the time was drawing near to make an announcement that would drastically change everything, I couldn't help myself from feeling calm. I was loved here. I was accepted here.
Everything would be okay.
Jay said Louis would be thrilled.
I had spent some time making a cajun chicken pasta this afternoon, and it seemed to be going over well with everyone. Pasta was one of my favorite things, so I figured it was a safe thing to make. I still had not been able to tell what was and wasn't a trigger for my nausea, so I was taking chances. Luckily, this seemed to have been a good one.
As the meal wrapped up, Louis helped clear plates while Daisy helped get the cheesecake out of the fridge that Jay and Dan had brought over. I excused myself to the restroom while there was a bit of commotion happening. I really did have to pee - almost constantly this past week, it seemed, but this was also my chance to get the gift box for Louis. When I returned, box behind my back, Dan was just finishing serving everyone a piece of the cake.
"Before we all dig in," I spoke up, pulling all eyes on me. Louis looked the most curious. After all, we were the ones hosting this dinner party. What could I have planned that he didn't know about? "I have a gift for my sweet Louis. I know he's been working hard, and I know that some of that work has left him less than thrilled." I sat the little box down in front of him before kissing him quickly. "I just wanted to give you a little something that should lift your spirits a bit."
"Milana!" He grinned, grabbing and squeezing my hand in his. "You didn't have to get me anything, baby. You do plenty every day to make me the happiest guy."
"Well," I smirked. "If you insis-"
"Louis, just open it!" Phoebe called out, seeming to be on the edge of her seat about what may be in the gift box. I glanced at Jay, and she winked back at me.
"Yeah Lou, just open it," I teased, squeezing his hand once more before taking my seat beside him. The cheesecake smelt AMAZING, but I couldn't bring myself to take a bite just yet.
Finally, he started ripping at the paper I had used to wrap the box. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dan raise his phone up for pictures. I'm glad; this was about to be a real big moment. When Louis got the wrapping paper off, he was left with a small wooden box that clasped in the front like a jewelry box. He glanced over at me, and I encouraged him with a nod and a smile, trying not to cry already.
He flipped the clasp and raised the lid, revealing the three little gifts inside. On top was a little newborn-sized pacifier. Under that: a white long-sleeved onesie that said 'Baby Tommo! Due October 2016.' Under that: a small envelope with Louis' name written in my handwriting. By the time he made it to the envelope, there were tears in his eyes, and his hands were shaking. Nonetheless, he managed to get the envelope opened to read the note. He hadn't looked back at me yet, so I was letting him do this in his own time.

My Louis,
Surprise! I've been saying that being in Doncaster has been so good for us. You seem happier, and I feel so freely loved and accepted here. Now, being in Doncaster has brought us the sweetest little gift, too!

You're going to be a daddy!

I watched his eyes read through the letter. He seemed to read through it two or three times before he laid it back down in the box. Finally, he looked up at me, and those tears in his eyes spilled over in the same instant that mine did. Suddenly, no one else was in the dining room but the two of us.
"Milana . . ."
"Surprise," I whispered, smiling at him.
He stood from his chair and used his thumbs to wipe the tears off my face before pulling me in for a kiss. He pulled away, but I needed to stay in his arms, so I wrapped my arms around him and just hugged him for I don't know how long.

 He pulled away, but I needed to stay in his arms, so I wrapped my arms around him and just hugged him for I don't know how long

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Finally, we pulled out of each other's arms, but we didn't look away. I didn't dare look at anyone besides Louis.
My boyfriend. 
My best friend.
The father to my child.
Our child.
"Six weeks today," I spoke softly.
He took my face in his hands. "Oh, love, I am so happy!" Another kiss.
"Me too!" Phoebe spoke, drawing us back to the present, where Louis' family all sat around the dinner table, half eaten pieces of cheesecake in front of them all.
With our focus back on the family, Jay stood and made her way over to Louis. "Congratulations, son." She took him into her arms for a big hug, and I was so happy for him.
And me.
Everyone seemed to be excited. My worst fears were melting away, right in front of me. No one was mad at me. No one hated me. They were surprised, but they were happy. Just like Louis. Just like me.


(( HOW. STINKIN. CUTE. Do you guys like the big reveal that Milana did for Louis? ))

1588 words!

Cheers to DWM! -♡-

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