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The drinking game continued for a while after this until eventually Ray grew tired and decided to head home, and Jordon knew it was time to head home at that point as well if he wanted any hope of getting someone to walk with for a part of the way.
"Nooo Jordoooooonnn... huggie first..." Eddy rambled, still with a half asleep Brett in his lap. He held out his arms towards Jordon who had already put his shoes on.
"Eddy brooo", Jordon replied, equally as drunk as Eddy. The most sober person there was Ray, for once, which was very unusual. "I love you maaaan."
The two boys hugged clumsily over Brett's head while Ray inpatiently tapped his foot by the front door. Brett wss awaken slightly by the movement and snorted at the view.
"Come on Jordy, time to head out", Ray said in a jokingly annoyed tone and finally managed to drag Jordon with him out.

"Eddyy?" Brett asked when they finally were alone, snuggling his face into the crook of Eddy's neck.
"Whaat?" Eddy mumbled as a reply, feeling the effect Brett's hot breath on his neck. It was almost as intoxicating as the alcohol.
"Is it Jordon?" Brett's voice was almost too quiet to hear, but Eddy knew what he was asking. He took too long to reply though, and Brett just assumed the worst. "Cause I don't wanna stop hugging you like this, Eddy, and you're gonna stop doing that if you're with Jordon cause he's probably a better hugger or something", Brett rambled, feeling his throat tightning with sadness. Normally he wasn't this emotional, but the alcohol probably didn't help.

"Brettyyy are you jealous I'd hug Jordon?" Eddy giggled drunkenly, sloppily kissing the top of Brett's head. He didn't really realize how scared Brett really was of ending up alone if Eddy found someone, especially not how much more intense it felt when he was four beers and half a bottle of whiskey kind of drunk.
"Noooo, I'm nooot... I just wanna not share you..." Brett mumbled, causing Eddy's cheeks to go bright red.
"I think I should be able to hug whoever I want, though", Eddy tried to joke, laughing just a little at the end. He realized the joke didn't make sense around halfway through, though.
"Yea", Brett sighed, moving his head sightly away from Eddy's neck, something Eddy didn't appreciate. He realized it was probably for the best if he wanted to keep his feelings a secret any longer. Did he want that though?

"It's not Jordon though", Eddy eventually admitted. "It's someone better than Jordon." Brett furrowed his brows.
"So, Ray? Really?" Brett's drunken face morphed into a confused but curious expression. "Didn't think he was your type and you barely touched him all night, you've been all over Jordon all night..."
Eddy's heart was beating fast now, as he realized how close Brett was from the truth. Was this it? This was how Brett would find out?
"Eddy, that doesn't make any sense. It doesn't seem right that it is Ray? But you said not Jordon? There is nobody else, I don't understand?"

Eddy could feel Brett tense up as Eddy pressed his lips hard against Brett's, kissing him as passionately as only a drunk man can. He felt his cheeks flare up, and he placed his large hands carefully over Brett's increasingly warm cheeks. Everything was turning into a mush in Eddy's head as every butterfly that had ever recided in his stomach came to life.

After a few seconds he pulled away, and watched as Brett's facial expression changed from confused to disbelief to understanding.
"Oh wow", was what came slurred out of Brett's mouth. He let his tongue run over his bottom lip. It still tasted vaguely of Eddy, and it made him shiver. That was not who he expected it to be at all.

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