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"Did you take my passport?" Eddy asked, rummaging around in his backpack to try and locate it.

"Did you lose your passport and are blaming me for it?" Brett teased and kissed his cheek. "You put it in your violin case, love. Where you always put it when we travel."

Brett was already carrying the bags out to wait by the door, excited for their week off. Eddy felt almost swept off his feet by how well Brett had organized everything with such elegance.

"You ready to go, sweetie?" Brett asked suddenly behind him and smiled widely. "The cab is waiting outside."

Airports are and will always be boring, and Brett felt almost disheartened when they learned their flight would be delayed.

"I'm sorry you're spending your birthday in an airport," Brett mumbled for probably the millionth time as he came back from one of the airport kiosks with a bottle of sparkly water for each of them. "I swear, I thought we'd be high in the sky in the comfiest chairs my wallet could affors right now."

Eddy took the bottled sparkly water and shrugged.
"I get to spend my birthday with you. It doesn't get much better than that," he said and pulled Brett down in his lap. "But I swear to god if you bought first class tickets then you're getting a hard one when we get there, because that would be insane."

The innocent smile Brett gave him before kissing him quickly wasn't really convincing Eddy they were flying economy class.
"Dude, you didn't?" Eddy asked, furrowing his brows. "Dude, I only got you like a tiny toy. Why do you feel the need to be a better boyfriend than me all the time? I can't keep up, man."

Brett laughed and kissed him quickly.
"I guess I'm just the kind of guy who likes spoiling my man," he shrugged, opening his water bottle. Eddy sighed.

"Yeah, but you make me feel so inadequate. I want to be that kind of guy too," Eddy said, leaning back against the pillar they had found a bench by. "But all I could come up with was a toy I could traumatize you with later. How great is that?"

Brett paused what he was doing to look at him. Eddy had moved his eyes away from him, following something across the open space of the airport with his gaze.
"Dude, I loved my birthday present," he tried to say, but Eddy just shrugged to make him stop talking.

"I'll do better for Christmas, I promise," Eddy said with a small, brave smile before turning back to look at Brett. "You deserve the world, Brett, and I suck at giving you the right parts of it."

Brett kissed his foregead gently and caressed his cheek softly. He hated how his present made him sad. That was the opposite of what ut was meant to do.
"I'm about to sound cheesy right now, but you ARE my world, Eddy. And I love how you gave me a piece of you, of your desires, along with that toy."

Eddy shrugged and looked down at Brett's hands still holding the water bottle.
"It could have been a good present, yeah, but I ruined it, didn't I? By... by humiliating you in front of those people? God, it sounds even worse saying it like that..."

Brett almost panicked when he saw how Eddy was talking himself down. This was not part of the plan, at all.
He placed his hand under Eddy's chin and made him look at him.
"Eddy, you did not ruin anything. I loved... I love the present, and I even brought it with me so we could play later okay? It's... It's in my backpack."

Eddy looked up at Brett whose cheeks turned pinker with every word he spoke.
"You know we don't have to do that if you don't want to?" he asked, licking his lower lip. "I don't need that, I need you to be happy and feel okay with the things we do."

Brett kissed him quickly again.
"I promise not to go further than I am comfortable with, okay? Promise."

"We are happy to announce our flight to Paris through Abu Dhabi is finally ready to board. Please stand by for further information."

Brett lit up and quickly gathered their things.
"Come on, we'll likely board first. First class and all that."

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