Chapter 8: part 2

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We've been walking these trails probably an hour now. Half the time we would talk about things that are happening in our lives. The other half we would just walk and watch the scenery. Even though it's winter, it's still beautiful. The slightly frozen pond that glints in the sun, the frosted grass from all the cold.

Yeah, i'm an idiot. I forgot to grab a jacket. Usually I love the cold, but after walking around for awhile my ass was freezing. We decided we should head back to the car so I can grab my new hoodie and warm up.

We practically ran back to the car. It had finally started to snow so it was growing colder quicker.

"Joey, I can't believe you didn't bring a jacket or something!" Fallon said, scolding me. 

"Well i'm sorry! I didn't think about it!" I snapped back at him.

Rolling his eyes, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, trying to keep me warm. "Joey! Your lips are turning blue!"

That startled me. I didn't think i was that cold but now that i think about it, I'm shivering really hard.

Finally the car came into view. Fallon took off in a full sprint towards it, leaving me behind. "Fallon!" I yelled, trying to keep up. Ha, there was no way I could catch up with him. He's way to fast.

I was almost to the car when he finally came back to me. He had run to the car to get the heat running and grab my hoodie. 

He quickly handed me the hoodie, waiting for me to put it on. Once I had it on, he scooped me up bridal style and ran to the car.

"Fallon! I can walk on my own you know!" I said, laughing a bit.

"Yeah I know you can, just not quick enough!" He winked.

He ran to the passenger side of my car, opening the door and setting me in. After he shut the door, he ran to the drivers side and got in.

Shutting his door, he started rubbing his hands together in front of the heater.

"Woo! Well that was fun!" He turned to me, smiling.

"Yeah yeah. My ass is still freezing!" I said, rubbing my legs.

"Well next time bring a jacket Ms.Prissy." He smirked. "Oh hardy har har smart ass. You didn't bring a jacket either!" I accused. "Yeah but i'm wearing a sweater. I don't really need one."

Sticking my tounge out at him, he laughed and started to pull out of the parking lot.

"Where to now Mr.Smart Ass?" I asked him, smirking.

"Well I dont know. Want to go to lunch?" He said, blowing off my 'Mr.Smart Ass' comment.

"Yes! I'm starving!" I practically yelled at him. "Alright, alright. Where do you wanna eat?" He said while plugging his right ear. "You know where." I smiled at him.

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