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___ "And they lied and then lied some more. Right to our faces. I've been doing my best to teach them right from wrong, but, well, this matter is so grave that we knew we had to bring it to you," Marilla told the minster.
"Indeed, indeed. You did right. It's a very good thing I'm here. God frowns on fibbing, young ladies."
"I imagine he does. I see now how truly wrong I was," Anne said.
"Wrong and disrespectful."
"I assure you, Minister, I am full of woe."
"And also dismay. With a good measure of chagrin. I can only hope it pleases God to know how truly unhappy I am. Does it?"
"That is something you must pray on. Now, girls, you must always remember: honesty is the best policy."
"I didn't lie, I just withhold certain information," Mary defended herself.
"Honesty isn't actually a policy, though, is it?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Well, I believe that wh-"
"I see now what you're up against. It doesn't matter what you think!"
"About anything, or-"
"Do you agree never to lie again?"
"Is a lie of omission really a lie?"
"You see? She's not sorry."
"I am sorry, Marilla. I truly am sorry for vexing you and for-"
"You said you were going to school."
"I went in a fashion."
"Do you take us for fools?"
"But they hate me there!"
"Enough! You must learn to harness yourself. I see what the problem is here. Oh, yes, I do indeed. And I have divined an answer. This problem is easily solved. If the girl doesn't want to go to school, then she shouldn't go. She should stay home and learn proper housekeeping until she marries. With that, I advise that Marigold goes through the same treatment. Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." There's no need for her to bother with an education. Every young woman should learn how to be a good wife."
"No," Marigold murmured.
"Excuse me?"
"I will go to school. I will get an education and become a writer because that's what I want to do with my life. I am in no means a man's helper and I want to strive to be a good person, not a wife," She spoke with her head held high before she left the house, Marilla yelling after her. She ran through the woods as she stood in front of the Blythe's house. Gilbert was outside chopping firewood when he saw the redface girl.
"Hey, what's wrong," He asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. She pushed passed him and put another log to cut. She grab the axe and began to take out her frustration on the wood.
"I am intelligent," She grunted
"I am my own person."
"Who cares that I'm a woman?"
"I am more than capable of making decision and have a stupid future-"
"-that doesn't involve cooking and cleaning-"
"-or a man that has to do everything for me!" Mary threw the axe on the ground and collapsed onto her knees.
"You good?" Gilbert called from behind her.
"No, I'm tired now."
"Come inside and talk to me about it."
The two sat across each other at the table with tea sitting in front of them. Marigold explained her whole situation to him as he sat back and quietly listened.
"So the minster wants to pull you out of school so you learn how to cook and clean for you're nonexistent husband?" Gilbert summarized.
"That's crazy. You're way too smart to just be some guy's wife. You have the potential to be more. A writer who is known for her beautiful words not how well she can cook a Thanksgiving dinner or clean the dishes."
"Thanks, Gilly, but I don't think the people of this town have caught up to your progressive way of thinking."
"It doesn't matter if they don't think about it. It's your job to show them." A comfortable day silence fell on the two before Mary spoke again.
"Aren't you curious on what adventures life has in store for us, Gilly?"
"If it's away from Avonlea, I don't care what the future holds."
"And if it's away from me?"
"That's impossible."
"How about this? When we complete school, we get out of here and travel. I can write about it and you can finally go somewhere made for you."
"I would like that very much," he said with a big smile on his face. Marigold repeated the gesture before hold her pinky out.
"Promise?" Gilbert wrapped his finger around hers.