Chapter 16

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Silence followed. We stared at each other cordially. Both safe and healthy. I was scrutinizing the healing wound on his forehead when he looked at me with amusement. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked.

"Do I need to come back in one piece after a life and death situation for you to ogle at me like that? Hey, don't look me in that Dharts way. I'm just happy. Thank you for worrying. My dad told me you called.  I appreciate it. How about you, Sam? How are you?"

He's okay, I guess but I can see something was troubling him. I'm musing whether he needs professional help or a good friend. Lost in my thoughts, Tom stared at me with worried creases on his forehead. "I'm sorry. I'm fine. Same old, same old. New patients. Old clients. You know the works. But enough of my boring life. Do you... Do you have something to share with me?"

Knowing what I meant, he leaned on the bench and closed his eyes. He hesitated for a few minutes and drew a deep breath. "Nothing much. It's just that the realization every day that I'm still alive is fascinating. I didn't think I'd be able to see the light of the day. It was crazy. That earthquake was my definition of an apocalypse. Everybody was screaming and jumping around and it never seemed to stop. I almost fell into a crack created by the quake but I was able to grab onto the ledge. That's where I broke this hand. When the tremors stopped, we were trapped in the rumble. For 20 freaking hours. Good thing that there was enough space for the four of us to move but if we stayed there further, I don't think anyone would stay sane." He looked at me with a vulnerability I often see from my patients. I gripped his working hand, encouraging him to continue.

"For the first time, I was really scared. Damn, I know people were looking for us but I'm afraid that it would start again and we would welcome the Earth's core instead of home." He chuckled trying to brush off the frightful memory. "Salvation came when the boulders were removed and I saw people bending over to pull us out. We were rushed to the nearest medical tent and flew back to Tokyo that same night." I nodded in reassurance. He seemed better than earlier. 

"How are you at night?" He showed me a thumbs up. "I still have nightmares but not as frequent as before. I am coping well, aren't I?" He asked. "What do you think?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "You can stop now, Dr. Dharts." I smiled at him and said, "Yes, you are doing well, Dr. Jacobs. Very well. If you need an ear, just tap me, okay?" He nodded. We fell into a minute of silence. He seemed calmer than before. Thankfully.

Noticing something unusual, I broke the stillness. "Wait a minute. I know you may have lost some appetite but you have become way slimmer than I expected. And why are you back so soon? I thought you have 12 months to finish the research." He shrugged his shoulders in response. "SLAC decided to speed up most of the research that needs to be done in Tokyo and continue the rest here which suits us best. I love Japanese food but you just can't help long for those carbs." With an eyebrow raised, clearly unconvinced, I stared at him. "I know you, Jacobs, you never say no to food. And don't tell me Tokyo doesn't have any burger joints. You said so yourself, your brain is suspended into nothingness if you don't have a dose of glucose loaded up." He grinned and said. "You remembered that? You're good. Nah, I've got a lot of things in mind, especially in the last 9 months..." The air around us became tense. I sighed. It is what it is.

"You know what? I've been meaning to ask if I ever met him. Why does the emperor hate marshmallows? He never answered that email." Tom who was surprised at my question, laughed out loud and stood up. "I'm not answering that question." "What's with you and the innocent marshmallows? They're soft, fluffy and tasty. Hey, where are you going?" He turned around and placed his left injured arm across my shoulders. "Breakfast. I'm starving. I need to bring back my missing physique. Let's go." That is how we let go of our squabble.

Over breakfast, we talked about various things. He talked about work and Japan. I told him about Louise and Will. He was quite surprised about the pace of their relationship. I laughed at his bewilderment. He walked me home still discussing Lou's engagement. "Isn't it too fast? I mean, you just introduced him to her not over a year ago, then they're going to get married?" 

I shrugged my shoulders."We're shocked as well. Jam was kind of doubtful but she saw how happy they were and how sincere Will is. I, on the other hand, know Will since college. He's a good man. He's cool, generous, and handsome. Very manly too, if I may add." Tom scoffed. He fell into his own thoughts as we arrived at my doorstep, I nudged him.

"Hey, are you still troubled about Lou?" He turned to me with the same unfathomable expression like that night at the park. I looked at him curiously, but his expression disappeared for a second. "Hey, are you okay? Don't tell me..." With a sudden thought that crossed my mind, I trailed off, perplexed. He looked at me blankly then pointed me up to my apartment.

"You should go up now. And no, whatever outrageous you're thinking. That's not it. Stop giving me that look. You're being nosy, Sam. See you later at dinner. Bye." I smirked at his upfront denial and when he turned to leave, I asked, "What dinner?" He smiled at me and hailed a cab. "Hey, what dinner?!" A taxi approached but before he entered, he faced me. "You love Mexican right? Alejandro's tonight. I'll pick you up later at 7:30. Okay? It's a date."

Flustered not because he invited me for dinner nor he said the word date but because he'll pick me up. He never picks me up for dinner. We usually meet up directly at the restaurant. What has gotten into him? What was that intense curiosity and apprehension with Lou's engagement? Was he perhaps... I'll try asking him tonight.

That one dinner led to a couple more. He would sometimes appear out of nowhere every time I had my early runs and invite me to join him for breakfast. It became a regular habit. Days turned into weeks, he was getting weirder. Sometimes, I would catch him staring blankly at me or at times he would look like he was fighting the urge to say something. I tried asking him about it and even about Lou but he always cuts me off.

I can't simply share my thoughts with the girls especially the bride who is the possible heroine to his heart. I'd like to check how he reacts with her as soon as possible but it took a week for all of us to get together. We were all so busy with work and with the wedding preparations. And I am just worried about the sudden implication of this love triangle theory that I have. Sherlock Holmes, lend me your skill.

We met at our favorite local bistro and the girls squealed out loud when they saw him. Jam was softly punching him in his stomach while Louise gave him a big motherly hug. Tom looked happy seeing my rowdy best friends. We sat down and ordered dinner. As they were in deep conversation about his experience in Japan, I silently observed Tom's actions with Louise. I was hoping for a big or a small sign. But he was all normal. We went for a drink after but nothing was different from the usual.

I might have presumed incorrectly but I'm still curious about his initial reaction to Lou's betrothal. He dropped Jam and me at my apartment, as our lawyer can't drive back until she's sober. I was going to forego my curiosity until I heard him asking Louise if she can spare ten minutes before he drops her back to her apartment. Lou sensing his serious question, said yes. Too bad, I can't find an excuse to join them because Jam was busy counting the stars in the sky.

The morning after, I was hesitant to ask Louise over texts. I finally decided to get some enlightenment from our ever-wise person of law. After a quick shower, I told her my dilemma. She was laughing out loud and snickered at me. "You think Jacobs is in love with Louisa?" She likes calling Lou 'Louisa' because she's the odd one out: Samantha, Jamaica, Louise. She declared that over our first meeting with Jam's beloved alcoholic drinks on our freshmen year.

"I'm not sure, that's why I asked you. He was flabbergasted when he heard about the wedding. I tried asking him but he keeps on cutting me off before I can continue." Jam smiled deviously at me. "I don't know but if that's the case, the wedding day is going to be a roller coaster ride." I punched her in the arm. "Hey!"

"It's supposed to be a happy day. Lou shouldn't worry about anybody else but herself and Will. What do you think?" Jam combed her now blonde hair carefully. "Well, other than you, of course, Tom is quite close with Lou. They've hung out in New York a couple of times after you both became goody-goody. He might have grown some non-platonic affection with her. But I don't know. I don't think so. Do you think so? For example, minus Will, do you want them to?"

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