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Looking at how Will glowed and teared up (yes, the most fitting words) as his stunning bride glide like a fairy in her wedding dress, made me rethink that a wedding ceremony is not that just a quotidian ennui but a hallmark of love as long as both partners are impregnable. The exchange of vows ruined Jam's dandy handkerchief with her saline tears. I almost cried. But again, I didn't. I was just beaming proudly.

It was a beautiful late afternoon ceremony at a private garden in Palo Alto surrounded by a coaster of trees and flowers. A live band, the perfect entrées, and the blithe atmosphere made it memorable for everyone. Louise surprised everyone with a special waltz. She could have easily been a famous dance prodigy on tour if she has chosen not to put down her traveling bag. But then she wouldn't meet Will.

The speeches were emotional yet inspiring. I toasted a simple 'I love you both' and 'Congratulations' to the couple while Jam made a cringy/humorous speech. We decided for her to take the spotlight as she's more entertaining than me and she has known Louise way longer than me. Not that it makes a difference but she loves her first. Lou's father gave a speech that moved everyone to tears, finally including me. That line, '...making my daughters happy is my second top mission after my wife's so if you had to hurt her, please don't. Turn to me instead.' That's selfless love, right there.

The mood became brighter when the bouquet was caught by Will's widowed grandmother. Everybody was enjoying every bit of the bride and groom games that when it became a little bit naughty, all the elders were jumping like teenagers. A jaunty cocktail hour ensued before the send-off. After millions of pictures with the couple, I sneaked out for a me-time and found my way to an outside balcony.

Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" made me want to go back but my feet stubbornly declined the invitation as they can't parade in heels for another 10 minutes. I was resting tonight's victims on the bench when I was startled by a voice. "So here you are. Is this like an Irish goodbye?"

I shook my head and pointed at my feet to Tom. He pulled my legs from the bench and rested them on his thighs as he sat down beside me. "Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes at me as he played with my fingers. I chuckled. "Thank you very much for allowing Lou's cousin to harass me all day." 

As one of the maids of honor, I had to entertain Will's younger brother to some dances and small talks so I was not able to rescue Tom from the clutches of a college girl. Tom was giving me the eye the whole time but I just beamed at him. I was not minding how Rebecca kept on flirting with my beau and how said beau courteously declined all her open advances. Not that I'm watching.

Simultaneously, we started to gaze at the sky, intrigued that the constellations graced us with their presence. The crickets begin their nightly karaoke while the breeze gently caressed our cheeks. It's that time of the night where you can't help but be poetic and romantic. Tom held my hand and kissed it softly. I gripped his hand in return and moved in to kiss his cheeks. It's incredible why I haven't recognized the way he stares at me. Well, I could be dumb. I'm human after all. What's nice about being with Tom is that we both enjoy silence. We can listen to each other without talking, though given our clangorous history, we now know that we should make use of our words as often as we can.

Etta James' "At Last" begins to play. A classic love song willing to wake the sleeping joints of the attendees and dance to it. I, then remember the next song in the queue. I tugged Tom to his feet and we walked as fast as my heels can go. We were just in time. I found Jam across the room who was also looking for me. We looked at Lou at the same time while waiting for the music to change.

Her expression changed when the talented singer of the night started singing her old favorite, "Moon River". She was searching for us and when our eyes met, she started tearing up. Will asked her if she was alright. She nodded as she stood up. She led Will to the dance floor and they started swaying to the rhythm. Jam gave me a salute which I returned with candor. 'Don't forget to play Moon River on my wedding day, promise?' We pinky swear on it on our freshmen year in Walter High yet it was amusing that she forgot her own wish.

Jam was led to the floor by Wesley. I introduced them when she purchased his painting as a wedding gift for Louise and Will. He was one of the members of the book club I was in back in college. We went to an exhibit not knowing it was his, until Jam fell in love with his creation. It was an oil on canvas of a couple who seemed to be distant but are actually hugging each other. The colors are so vivid that gives you the impression of passion, anger, and love. When I saw the name on the painting, I was ecstatic and gave Will a call. We met later at a coffee shop after Jam made her purchased. They kinda hit it off. She's yet to decide though if she'll date him or not. I hope yes. He's eccentric, charming and especially calm. They're quite compatible amidst their difference.

Something tickled in my ear that broke my thoughts. Tom asked softly, "You do know that you owe me a dance, right?" I chuckled. So I pulled him beside my girls and we started dancing. I leaned on his broad shoulders while savoring his mild perfume and soapy scent. 

 Now, if our high school peers and teachers would see how we progressed to this, they would be more than shocked. If we decide to go to the Alumni Homecoming this December, I wonder how Walter High would react. I grinned foolishly. Tom hugged me a little bit tighter from before which made me think that he was reading my thoughts. Interesting, fate is. A question of a patient of mine at yesterday's session popped into my mind. I whispered the same question to Tom.

Do you believe in serendipity? I asked. He looked at me knowingly and smiled. Of course. Why wouldn't I?

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