The Boy From The Rift

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Third person :

A Girl with bright pink hair walked across the sand holding a ak-47 in her hands, she seemed to be almost afraid of what she was walking towards, It was pitch black and all that was a light source was The Cube, it's Purple glow emitting from him as The girl Got closer she seemed draw towards the Giant Cube, She reached her hand towards it as --

She woke up to a Girl in a Pink teddy bear suit throwing a pillow at her, The Pink haired girl groan as she sat up glaring at the fursuit girl, the furry spoke
"Brite c'mon it's the day of the road trip with rex!" The furry said cheerily
Brite just got up and went too the bathroom as she washed her face, she thought about the dream she had, she has had that exact same dream for the past season, Brite looked at her hands as she looked into the mirror and then pulled her hair into her usual pony tail.

Some time had passed The furry was now accompanied with a Dinosaur wannabe, Rex, Brite walked past them as she placed her bags in the back of the atk, Rex decided to drive and The furry girl, Cuddles, was sat beside him those two being loving and cute as Brite Sat On the back of the Atk, Brite hadn't had a boyfriend for years well since Brite Brigadier, They had always had a tough relationship because he constantly cheated and lied and Brite was more focused on work to care or give the boy affection, it didn't give him a right to cheat but she understood he just wanted love, Brite is one of the highest players of Fortnite Battle Royal, She is second too her Father John Wick, well adoptive father, Brites parents had died to a tragic car accident when she was a year old so she can't remember them at all.

Cuddles and Rex were arguing over map directions as Brite listened to her music when all the sudden a huge noise over at pleasant Hill caught all their attention, they quickly drove over too see Durr burger and a blonde hair boy standing there looking confused, they pulled up as Brite pulled out her deagle incase, Rex and cuddles walked over to speak to the boy as Brite stood back seeming worried about where the boy came from, Rex and cuddles assured her he was okay, and Brite walked over the Boys attention was quickly put on Brite when she walked over, The Boy seemed too look her up and down before blushing. Rex and Cuddles explained where they were and what they were doing and offered the Boy a ride, Brite seemed unsure of the boy but didn't protest, maybe he was normal and wasn't a furry.

Brite sat in the back with the blonde haired boy who sat nervous tapping a melody on his leg, Brite finally spoke up
"Names Brite Bomber but most call me Brite and you are?" She said
"Drift.. Drift Xavier" he said nervously
Brite nodded she got the courage to speak too him and the two actually got on and talked the whole drive too lazy links they laughed and talked it was the first time Brite had laughed in years not even when something funny would happen, she wouldn't laugh barely smiled ever, and only smiled around her father. When they arrived at Lazy Links they parked the ATK and went into the Place, They spent the day at Lazy Playing golf, when everyone felt tired they drove too the motel just down the road, They booked two rooms as Rex and cuddles called a room together they went into their room tossing the keys at Drift, Drift looked at Brite and shrugged
"Room buddies!" The Boy said with a smug smile.
Brite just laughed and took the keys opening the door and walking in, Drift followed behind.

They spent the night watching TV shows and eating junk food until it was 3 am, then Brite got up and went and showered getting dressed into short pj pants on and a tank top she also let her hair down and put her glasses in a safe place, she walked out too see drift in long sweat pants and no shirt, she resisted the urge to get a nose bleed as she walked over laying on the bed and drift laid on the opposite side, she clapped as she the lights shut off and she closed her eyes, when Drift knew she was asleep he cuddled into her too feel safe he didn't like the new place and missed his home alot.

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