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🔥 Drift Xavier's POV 🔥

It has been two months since the loss of Brite, Everything was finally settling in and We were finally coming to terms with the fact she was gone, I had joined the Battle Royal Job and I was now the second highest Player taking Brite's place in honour of her, everything I did was in honour of her My kitsune mask had made me special compared to everyone and I had become charged with electricity because of the kitsune mask. Every night I'd cry for her and think about her sweet face I miss her so much.

I was on my normal morning jog the sun has just started to rise so it was fairly dark, I jogged past the cube when I noticed a girl standing beside the cube rune, for a second I could have sworn it was Brite but this girl looked corrupted by the cube her eyes glowed the same colour as him and she had the same purple lines down her eyes like Brite did when she got absorbed, the girl placed her hand on the Rune, it lit up and caused all the little holes in the rune area to glow and become purple and bubble, she then picked up her Scar and started walking away, The way she walked reminded me so much of Brite but I kept jogging it couldn't have been her Brite's dead she's gone she can't come back she's gone for good, I jogged faster and cried.

I spent my morning pondering about the girl I saw, first the cube then the runes and now mysterious new people appearing around the place, it's a new season at this point vampires and vampire hunters are around now and husks are out and about, we can't go out after dark because of husks they can only appear when islanders are around so if no one is outside they can't appear which is a bonus. Also Cuddles and Rex were dating now and they are a very cute couple I wish Brite could have seen this she would have been so pleased for them as much as she acted cold she cared about them deeply.

I informed Rex of the Girl I saw and he seemed interested too so we decided we would investigate the runes and see if we see her again and if we do then we can question her on what the cube is and how she can power up the runes maybe we can finally get some answers on what is actually going on who knows maybe we can find a way to get my Brite back?

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