The Cube

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🔥 Drift Xavier's POV 🔥

I have been friends with these weirdos for about a week now and we have been on the road trip for a week but something strange happened on the island a huge purple cube has been created from a giant rift in the sky, I came from a rift so everyone's thinking me and the cube have a connection, Brite seems super interested in this cube and wants to go visit it but I am worried about it because it's killed a couple islanders and I'm worried itll kill Brite or cuddles or rex, they are my best friends and loosing them would be horrible.

I sat in the back of the ATK Admiring the beautiful girl sitting beside me, her brown eyes nicely soft tan skin and beautiful bright pink hair just suited her personality she was bubble yet feisty and I adore it, I think he noticed me staring when she clapped her hands Infront of my face I jumped slightly
"Fuck!" I said in shock, cuddles and Rex just laughed and Brite just smirked at me and winked as she went back to playing games on her phone, I decided to just look around as we drove it was a long drive too the cubes new location so we all played Ispy and made jokes, I had started fitting in more on the island and I have pretty much forgotten about my earth life in California I wonder if my parents wonder where I am?

When we saw the cube in the distance we all gasped in shock of how big he was, he had earnt the name Kevin the cube and so we assumed he was a boy, we pulled up beside him as he made weird noises, we all got out and walked around him, Brite seemed mesmerised by the cube almost like she had seen it before, rex did a stupid thing and shot at it as the cube sent a electric shock at him sending him flying back, Cuddles ran after him to check if he was okay and me and Brite laughed, that was until I saw purple lines start to appear under her eyes, they were glowing that's when Brite started walking towards the cube holding her hand out, I tried to stop her but before I knew it a large flash of purple light appeared and that's all I remember before I passed out falling to the ground with a thud as I heard Brite's scream.

When I woke up I was on the back of the ATK, rex driving as Cuddles cuddled up too him she was crying I sat up.
"Where is Brite?" I said concerned
"The cube absorbed her.. we think she's dead.." rex said holding back sobs. My heart sunk thinking about all the memories I had with her, I've only know her for a week but I felt a connection too her, I think I had fallen in love with her I mean she made my heart absolutely flutter and feel so light, too think she's gone is a horrible horrible thought I wish the cube had have taken me instead she didn't deserve that!.. oh Brite why? Brite why?

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