The Girl

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🔥 Drift Xavier's POV 🔥

It has been a week since I saw her, it was Brite I can swear it was her except she was corrupted it seems, it was her but it wasn't I haven't been able to think straight since the incident I can't believe it she's actually alive the girl I love is alive well what if she doesn't remember me? I kept pacing around my room wondering if she remembers me or if she's completely gone.

Me and Rex told cuddles about our discovery and she seemed to be worried about her too we just had to pray she remembers us and we wouldn't have to fight her like the rest of the cube monsters, we all cried and hugged as catalyst my new girlfriend walked in, catalyst had been there when Brite left and Catalyst had been good too me catalyst came over as she wrapped her arms around my neck and looked up at Cuddles and Rex, Cuddles And Rex didn't like her but I couldn't understand why she was always sweet and tried her hardest I got up taking catalysts hand and leading her too my room, I sat down on the bed with her
"We found Brite catalyst!" I said happily
"Oh that bitc- Brite omg yay!" She said fakely
"C'mon I bet you'll love her shes awesome!" I said smiling
"Drift your mine I don't want that bitch near you!" She said growling
I had never seen this side of her and it annoyed me slightly because she had never met bright and me and her weren't officially together so this side of her made me upset
"Don't dare talk about her like that!" I said annoyed
"You said you both were just friends but she took your Virginity!" She said through gritted teeth, that was true Brite had taken my virginity and I had taken hers, it was a spur of the moment thing we just kissed and it happened, it was the best and best feeling in the world I missed her touch and our secret kisses when cuddles and Rex slept oh god please come back too me.

"If you want her back ill kill her!" Catalyst said angrily very angrily
"Don't dare fucking touch her!" I raised my voice
"She's a hoe a whore! She just left you!" Catalyst said standing up
"She didn't choose too! The cube took her! -- that's it leave catalyst your a bitch I can't believe you!" I said standing up and leaning over her yelling
"W-Wait I'm sorry drift you can't.. I'm pregnant.." she said tearing up, my guilt kicked in as I hugged her and let her stay, would I regret this.. I regret everything my poor dear Brite I have betrayed you ..

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