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💜 Dark Bomber's POV 💜

I walked the across the broken castle grounds hearing the rocks move from under my feet I made my way too the bed room where we once all slept my heart beat quickened but my thirst for power and complete control over threw my love and care for them, I walked in too hear a gunshot by my surprised I turned the corner too see dusk's dead body laying on the ground sancturn holding the shotgun in his hand as he wiped the blood off his face, I shook violently as I lunged at him making him drop the shot gun I held his throat as I kept him held against the wall my eyes glowed in anger.
"You killed her, your own lover you just shot her!" I screamed into his face he seemed unphased
"I needed the power she was stronger than me so I had to take her out darkie, c'mon we can live together and I can make you mine now!" He said happily my grip tightened on his throat as he gasped for air, my grip tightened and tightened as I took the deagle placing it against his head, I gave him a smile as he pleaded and sobbed begging me to stop
"Bet dusk begged you not too but you showed her no mercy" I growled and pulled the trigger before he could say anything more, I burried both of them under the castle and was covered in blood, I deployed my glider as I glided too Kevin's island, I sat on the island again and listened to what he had to say, he told me he was proud and I could live on the motel on-top of him now since I had become his choosen one, I agreed and went inside the motel finding the best room in the motel I washed myself and laid in bed staring at the ceiling, the realisation hit me like a stack of bricks as I started crying, I had just killed my friend and he killed his fiancé for power, I had done the same but I just sighed as I wiped my tears away and then he filled my mind, those goddamn caramel eyes those ones I swoon overtime I look into them, I want too see him again.. I need him I have to see him.

I had gotten dressed and made sure I looked okay as I glided off of the floating island and went towards lonely, they had been living in motel at Paradise, I dropped in and walked into the hotel I went to drifts room and knocked on the door.

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