The Runic Girl

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💜 Dark Bomber's POV 💜

I sighed holding my head as I sat up in my bed, I have been having awful head aches since becoming the cubes minion, not that I minded I enjoyed being powerful and helping him anything for the over ruler he was going to cleanse this island yes this all meant I lost my friends and yes I miss them dearly but this is going to help them I twitched slightly when I felt Dusks presence enter the room, her blood red eyes came out from the darkness as I looked over at her, she then spoke
"Your head still hurting Darkie?" She said almost concerned
"I'm fine Dusk I'm used to it by now, anything new happen?" I said
"Nope just that your boyfriend is second on the leaderboard and he does it honour you, he cares about you alot" she said softly
"He's not my boyfriend for the last time, he took my spot wow I'm proud of him.." I said looking out into the distance i got lost in my head thinking about that boy, his beautiful soft honey hair and his caramel eyes, his soft tan skin and the way he looked at me when I smiled made my heart skip beats I never knew it could.
"Earth to Darkie hello?" Dusk said
I snapped out of my head and looked at her
"What time is it?" I said Bluntly
"You slept all day like usual it's now 8 pm" she looked at me folding her arms, I nodded showing I acknowledged what she said, I stood up pulling my hair into its usual ponytail and picked up my Scar and began to walk out of the castle, once I walked out of the castle I looked at the island around me and smiled, I left the castle and walked towards the cube again I sat Infront of him and smiled
"What do you need of me now?" I said too the cube, The cube grumbled in response which I only understood, I felt as if I was being watched as I stood up and turned too look around I saw some pink glow emitting from behind a tree, I ran over and shot out the tree too discover Rex and an unknown boy with a kitsune mask, I looked at them shocked, Rex seemed scared but the other boy didn't
"Drift she looks shocked what do we do?!" Rex said to the other boy, then it clicked who it was, drift.. my beautiful boy, I was snapped out of my thoughts when drift pushed his Rifts edge Pickaxe against my throat, I looked at them.
"Who are you?!" Drift said menacingly I took a deep breath
"Names Dark, Dark Bomber, I am a child of Kevin" I said lowly, I saw drift loosen his grip for a second without anything more drift pushed me over and took rex by the arm as they both disappeared into the darkness, I felt as if my heart had just been ripped out, seeing my precious soulmate like that tore me apart I couldn't handle seeing him upset or angry like that it hurt in ways no one will ever understand I just want him to smile and look me in they eyes again honestly i really really need him too I want to feel alive again but no I'm stuck here obeying a giant purple cube.

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