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🔥 Drift Xavier's POV 🔥

It had been a month since me and Dark's "encounter" I had to face catalyst and tell her what happened, so I sat down with her at dinner, I had to make a choice between them and I'd work it out now, catalyst sat down and smiled at me, I smiled back I then spoke
"Cat we need to talk about something that happened a month ago" as soon as I said those words she became nervous and blurted out
"I'm sorry he means nothing I promise!!" She was crying, anger filled my heart as she just admitted to cheating , that's when I asked in an angry tone
"Is that kid even mine?!" She looked up at me and shook her head I growled and kicked her out throwing a bag of her stuff at her she kept pleading I didn't care I wanted Dark she comforted me so I called her and an hour later she came knocking on the door I let her in and instantly nuzzled into her, she just held me playing with my hair whenever she did it, it called me and made me feel safe and okay for once, we ended up on the bed in our underwear, she was laying beneath me I had my head rested on her chest and I was between her legs as she kept leaving soft kisses on my head while playing with my hair, I had my eyes closed as I was completely relaxed and felt comfortable now and just loved, before Dark pushed me off running to the bathroom she got on her knees and puked into the toilet, I went behind her holding her hair back for her as she looked sicker than I have ever seen, I noticed her hair was slight pink now like her old hair colour I comforted her and just kept rubbing her back and holding her hair back for her making sure she was okay.

It's been a week and Dark is still sick, she said it was just food poisoning but after all this time I wasn't believing it now it has been two long, but dark was getting normal coloured skin like her natural skin back it almost like she was returning to her normal pre dark state, she said Kevin wasn't speaking too her anymore and she didn't have a clue why but she was glad he has left, I was still worried because she seems weak and won't stop eating she is also extremely moody and she complained her period didn't come, she couldn't be pregnant because we used protection so we don't know.

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