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💖 Brite Bomber's POV 💖

It's been 4 months since my sickness started, turns out I'm pregnant 4 months pregnant, I'm also fully no Kevin now, I'm back to my normal self which is so super amazing and I'm excited to see how life goes I'm only 16 and pregnant but who cares I'm excited to be a mom and drifts excited too, drifts 18 though so he's old enough to be a dad but whatever.

Drift has been so over protective it's so funny like whenever I'm going down stairs he holds onto me tightly or whenever we go driving he makes rex drive slow and he always holds me in public so guys don't look, cuddles has been so amazing and helpful and rex has also been supportive, me and drift have decided we are going to buy the lodge at Lonely since it's for sale, we thought it would be a good home for our baby and us we are so excited to see this little one and this baby will be so so loved.

Hime and Key have had their baby and he's so very cute his name is Xyomi and he's absolutely adorable and the perfect mixture of them, he's definitely a momma's boy he's so clingy to her it's adorable he's now 1 years old now, Me and Hime joke about them being besties when our baby is born but we still got 5 months till this baby says hello to the world but me and drift can not wait we are so excited, drift is so confident he will be a good dad and I believe him, he will be an awesome dad, god this boy makes my heart burn he's so adorable, oh update me and him are engaged when our beautiful baby is born the week after we will marry and I've already started on the plans and I'm so super excited for the wedding and the baby life is amazing.

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