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🔥 Drift Xavier's POV 🔥

I heard a knock on my door at 12 am I figured it was catalyst coming back from her friend's house, I had no shirt on and only sweat pants, I opened the door to see Dark standing there, her cheeks instantly turned pink when she looked at me and I blushed too
"Dark? Why are you here?" I asked shyly
"I don't want to be alone right now and I needed someone to talk too" she said clearly upset, I let her inside as we sat on the couch and she told me what had happened, I didn't judge her Kevin was controlling her and she barely had any of her own strength to fight him, I placed my hand on her cheek and reassured her it would be okay I looked into her eyes and felt myself have the urge to kiss her, I licked my lips and before I knew it I kissed her, she gladly kissed back I felt my whole body relax as I felt her wrap her arms around me and I wrapped my arms around her waist, I had pulled her onto my lap as we deepened the kiss only pulling away to breathe and pant, by this point her shirt and pants were across the room as I ran my hands up and down her perfect body remember how she took my virginity and I took hers, I started kissing down her neck as she let out soft moans of pleasure, I looked up her
"Is this okay?" I said shyly
"Drift I've wanted this since I left" she said needingly that's all I needed to here before I had her up against the wall her legs wrapped around my waist she had left Hickey's all down my neck, I had left the same on her neck aswell, I picked her up and laid her on the bed and got ontop of her kissing her deeply before I knew it we were in too deep and fucked.

I woke up in the morning to Dark laying ontop of me, completely naked and her hair messy, I smiled and wrapped my arms around the perfect girl before I heard a knock, my eyes widened as I covered us with a blanket as a happy cuddles walked in holding rexs hand
"GOOD MORNING!" she said loudly as dark groaned, Rex and Cuddles stopped when they saw me holding the asleep Dark, they quickly walked out and closed the door, Dark then opened her eyes and looked up at me i gave her a soft smile as I kissed her lips softly, she blushed and smiled a genuine smile which made my heart happy, I then remembered catalyst was pregnant with my child and I just fucked Dark I knew what I had too do and it was the right decision..

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