Time Is Gone

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🔥 Drift Xavier's POV 🔥

It has been about a couple of months, The orb over the vault has been making weird noises and it's worrying everyone, I have been trying to calm Brite but she's so paranoid and panicked because nothing like this has been seen before she's worried it's going to do something and hurt Rune which I am worried about too, Rune is so young I want her to grow up and live a good life not disturbed by a stupid orb!

Me Vendetta, Dire, Renegade Raider (Renny) and blacknight and lastly Key all went to the orb to see what was going on with it, we all went around it and shot at it seeing what exactly would happen until we heard a loud noise, before we knew we were pulled into a white light, we were stuck in this weird white room unable to get out everyone was freaking out, until Renny and Blacknight calmed us all and said if we stayed calm maybe we would get out of this, Renny was stressed Aura her girlfriend was pregnant and she was worried about her but she didn't show it we all sat down and waited.

It felt like 10 minutes had past before we were sucked back out of the orb too see 5 kids pointing guns at us, they seemed strangely familiar, The girl with blonde and pink hair spoke
"I am Rune, Rune Xavier, and who are you?" She said holding the pump shotgun, my realisation kicked in, they were our kids! We had been pulled out of time we are now in the future, Rune was now 15 she was grown up, I missed watching her grown, I looked rune in the eyes and she realised as she ran too me and hugged me tightly
"DAD!!" she screeched as hugged me tightly she was crying and so was i, Treasure and Raider ran up to Renny to hug their lost mother, Xyomi ran up too Key and hugged him, The girl with brown hair and black hair stood their watching Rune in a way it was like protective, From the medic patch knew she was The surgeons kid.

I was walking beside Rune and Merci as I walked towards the lodge, I saw a tired looking Brite, she had cute wrinkles under her eyes and her smile lines showed, I hadn't aged but it seemed my beautiful wife did, Rune ran to her mother covered her eyes and brought her Infront of me, Brite was very confused.
"Mom I have the best surprise!" Rune said happily, Brite just smiled and laughed
"Okay my precious what is it, does it bite?!" Brite seemed scared, I said chuckling
"I might we will have too see" I said in my deep voice, Brites body froze as Rune removed her hands, Brites beautiful brown eyes looked into mine as I fell in love with her all over again, She quickly hugged me as she burst into tears my beautiful wife hadnt seen me in 10 years! She must have been worried sick, I was scared she moved on but she still had her wedding ring on, as she pressed her soft lips against mine I felt my body relax it's like my life was back to normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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