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The door opened and I glanced at who it was. It was ChanWoo, holding a small plastic bag with ice cream inside.

"You really like my sister, huh?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I do."

He raised his eyebrow, "When did you started liking her?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, honestly. It just, came out," I replied.

He hummed in response, "Here, I don't really know what flavour of ice cream you like so I just bought you a melon flavoured one." He said as he gave me the ice cream and sat down.

"Thanks," I smiled.

He ate his ice cream and thought for a moment, then asked,

"How much do you like her, hyung?"

I paused, then continued, "It may sound cheesy, but I like her to the point that I'll risk everything for her. I won't let the same incident happen again," I said.

He nodded, "Then take care of her, kay? She means the world to me and I don't want her getting hurt. I may look stubborn around her, but I love her more than anyone else."

I smiled, "I'll take good care of her, promise."

He smiled back, "I'm sure you will, but if you did hurt her.."

"-I won't hesitate to stab you until not one single drop of blood can be seen in your body."

My eyes widened at his comment, "Yikes! You're scarier than serial killers!" I said,

We both laughed.

"No seriously though, don't hurt her, please."

I gave him a reassuring smile, "It's nice to see a brother caring for his older sister."

He chuckled, "I guess..."

Someone knocked on the door as it slowly opened showing the face of a nurse.

"Good evening..." The nurse greeted, "I'll just change the bandages of Ms. Ahn if you don't mind.."

I smiled, "Go ahead."

She bowed then went inside, gently closing the door behind her. She approached ChanSook's bed and placed the tray of medicine and bandages on the small desk beside her bed. Taking a pair of scissors, she slowly cut the bandages and removed it, showing the small wound on ChanSook's forehead. She took a cotton ball with hand alcohol and gently cleaned the dried out blood from the wound, then applying medicine. After that, she wrapped a fresh and clean bandage on her head.

"Ms. Ahn's wound is getting better but we're not entirely sure if it has fully stopped bleeding. If the wound started bleeding call us immediately," The nurse said, smiling faintly.

I smiled back, "Thank you."

She bowed and took the tray with her then left.

A few seconds later ChanWoo spoke, "Dude, did you saw how that nurse looked at you? She had hearts in her eyes!"

He looked at me, "Could it be...."

Before he managed to finish his sentence we both bursted out laughing.

"Naaaah!" We both said in unison, laughing again right after.

Once we both had calmed down, I said, "My heart only belongs to one girl and one girl only."

ChanWoo looked at me with disgust, "You're really cheesy..."

I laughed, "You just noticed now?"

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