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I was just rummaging through my locker and just throwing some books in it, not even giving a single damn on how messy it looks.

"Geez your locker is a wreck." Someone said behind me, making me flinch.

I turned around only to be greeted by my best friend, Na Jaemin.

I placed my hand on my chest and let out a deep breath.

"Oh it's just you, that startled me man," I said as I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Sorry 'bout that, didn't know you weren't aware of my existence yet," He replied.

"I could care less about your existence right now, I just want to go home and do absolutely nothing," I said as I slammed the door of my locker shut.

"You gotta be active sometime, go do sports or something. It's healthy ya know?" He said.

"I have asthma you dimwit, want me to die?" I asked.

"But didn't other people got their asthma cured by doing activities like those?" Jaemin asked,

"Ahem, let me emphasize that real quick 'other people'" I said as I did a quote sign with both of my hands, "I am definitely NEVER gonna do that, i'm not gonna risk using an inhaler for the next few weeks just because of that."

"Well alrighty then..."

✁_ _ _ _ _

"Oh yeah, can we go and stop at a convenience store real quick? My brother wants ice cream," I said, reading the text my little brother just sent me a few seconds ago.

"Yeah I don't mind, let's just buy something for ourselves aswell."

We stopped at a convenience store nearby our neighbourhood and opened the door, making a small bell sound like it always does.

I glanced over at the cashier as he looked at the both of us, bags under his eyes and a very annoyed expression plastered all over his face.

Poor guy, he must be tired. But it also is kinda his fault why he's working at 7-Eleven....

"Aw dammit, they're still out of slurpees?" I groaned.

"Well just get something else then," Jaemin said, opening the lid of the freezer and grabbing an ice cream sandwich.

"But slurpees are the only reason why i'm always here..." I pouted.

"Try something else. You'll never know, you might like it."

"Okay...might aswell just get ice cream then," I said as Jaemin opened the lid of the freezer again.

I grabbed a melon flavoured ice cream for myself, and a chocolate flavoured ice cream for my brother.

We both went to the very annoyed and tired cashier and gave the ice cream that we bought, quickly paid for it, and then went out and started walking to our neighbourhood.

"Was it just me or did that guy looked pissed..?" Jaemin asked.

"He must be tired. Hey i'm like that when i'm tired or hungry," I said.

"You're much more worse than that guy. Actually you're always like that," Jaemin admitted.

"What did you say?"


"Yeah thought so."

✁_ _ _ _ _

"Mom, i'm home!" I screamed and could hear heavy footsteps as I saw the silhouette of my brother from the hallway coming near us.

"Did you bought the ice cream?" My younger brother said.

"Chanwoo! You can eat the ice cream after dinner!" I heard mom scream from the kitchen.

"But I wanna eat it nowwwww" Chanwoo whined.

I saw mom come out the kitchen with a wooden spoon on her hand and was wearing a pink apron.

"Chanwoo I-Oh Jaemin! How have you been?" Mom said, quickly changing personalities.

"Everything is doing fine thanks for asking!"

"Ah Jaemin, come eat dinner with us!" Mom said.

"I-I mean it's getting late...I should be going..." Jaemin said, scratching his nape while laughing awkwardly.

"Oh no I insist dear! I'm sure your mom will understand. After all, your mom and I are really close. So just say that you went to my house so she won't get mad," Mom said.

"Oh-well, uhm..Sure! Who am I to decline?" Jaemin said.

"Well take a seat, i'll just change my clothes." Mom said, taking off the apron and went to her room.

"Let's put the ice cream on the freezer for now, Chanwoo. You'll just have to eat it once we're done eating dinner, okay?" I said, Chanwoo pouting.


We went to the kitchen and I opened the freezer and placed the ice cream inside, then went and sat on the table. Mom was just in time and arrived in the kitchen with a new pair of clothes and sat down aswell.

Our dinner for today was kimchi, my mom makes food more delicious than it really is. That's why I love her so freaking much.

"Gee Mrs. Ahn, this is really good." Jaemin complimented.

"Aw thank you, I accidentally made alot so you can take some home when you're gonna go," Mom said.

"Well, mom does love kimchi alot. So maybe she'll like your cooking!" Jaemin said.

"Well okay, once i'm done eating. I'll get a container and fill it with kimchi."

"Welp i'm done eating! I'm gonna eat my ice cream no-"

"NOT SO FAST YOUNG MAN! Clean up after your mess!" Mom said, pointing at the now empty plate of Chanwoo.

Chanwoo groaned and picked up his plate, putting it on the sink.

We finished eating and Mom went to get a container while me and Jaemin cleaned up the table.

"You need help with washing the dishes?" Jaemin asked.

"No need," I replied.

"Jaemin, here you go. Oh and tell your mom that I said hi!" Mom said.

"Noted, and thank you so much for the food. It was delicious!" Jaemin said, "Well I need to get going, mom might be worried sick about me by now."

"Well get home safely okay? And maybe you can come back and eat dinner with us sometime again! You're a really fun and nice child. No wonder you're a Momma's child," Mom blabbered.

"Okay mom that's enough," I said.

"Okay okay.."

"Anyways i'm gonna get going now! I'd really like to come back again soon!" Jaemin said, wearing his shoes, "Babye!!"

And with that Jaemin waved goodbye and left the house and started walking to his house.


I'm so sorry the first chapter took so long to get published ㅠ-ㅠ

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