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「During your coma, your POV」

You woke up to the sight of the light blue sky.

Sitting up you looked around your surroundings, and came to the realization that you were on a field.

It was an incredible sight.

It looked as if the field is endless, it's like no matter how far you run, your surroundings would still remain the same.

"ChanSook, my dear. How about you sit down next to me and have some tea?" You heard a rather, familiar voice.

Immediately, you snapped your head towards the owner of the voice to see that it was your grandmother who had died for more than two years ago.

But something didn't felt right.

Her face, it was blurry, the only thing that made you recognize her was her voice and the clothes she was last seen on.

But despite her features completely covered, you could feel that she was smiling at you.

Oh how you missed that warm smile.

"M-Momma?!" You exclaimed, eyes open for as wide as it can.

"You're looking at me as if you saw a ghost!" Your grandma laughed, "Come, come sit with me."

She was sitting on a plaid blanket with some snacks and tea under a large oak tree. She patted the empty space beside her and you stood up to walk towards her.

"Where are we?" You asked, sitting down next to her.

"That's not important right now," She replied, taking a sip of her tea. "Have some tea."

You smiled, not botheeing to question further, "Momma, you know I don't like tea."

You just missed her so damn much.

She giggled, "Oh but why not, my dear?"

"It's bitter."

"Not as bitter as the coffee your grandfather makes," She smiled at you. "Speaking of which, how's your grandfather doing?"

"Grandpapa? Ah," You hesitated, "He's doing fine I guess....he started dating again after, uhm..."

"After I died?"

You widened your eyes once again, "But- how did you-"

"This is all just a dream, ChanSookie."


"You need to wake up soon, dear. There are others waiting for you," Your grandma stated, looking at the butterflies flying around.


"No buts young lady. You do want to go back, don't you? Unless you want to stay here with me?" She tilted her head to look at you.

"Of course I want to go back! It's just, I want to still be with you..."

"Then that's all I want to hear," She hummed, you looked down at your hands to see that they started fading along with your entire body.

"M-Momma?! What's going on?"

"Tell your parents and brother I said hi. Oh! And that boyfriend of yours!"


"I'll always be watching you and your brother. Don't forget that, 'kay?"

You nodded, it's not like you can even do anything. "I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you too. Goodbye, for now." she said, you smiled one more time at her before you completely disappeared.

"I love you, my little flower."


"Hngh..." You groaned. Your eyes stinging from the blinding light.

"Huh?" ChanWoo looked at you, almost dropping his bowl of noodles.

"Sis!" He exclaimed, abandoning his noodles as he immediately rushed to your side. "You're awake!"

Adjusting your eyes from the brightness of the room, your vision started getting clearer, "Where am I?"

"The hospital, you dumbass!"

"R-Right..." You let out, your voice still hoarse from weeks of not being able to talk. "Where's mom and dad?"

"Mom and..." ChanWoo trailed off, until he realized something, "MOM! DAD!" he opened the door and ran outside. You could hear a bunch of screaming, until your mom barged in the room, frantically looking around and laid eyes on your conscious figure.

"ChanSook? CHANSOOK!" she ran towards you and engulfed you into a hug. "Oh my god! I'm so glad you're okay! Do you need anything? Oh my! You must be hungry! CHANWOO! GET THE MCDONALD'S!"

"Mom, I'm oka-"

"ChanSook! How are you?? Does anything hurt?" Your dad cut you off, helping you sit up and checked to see if you're in pain.

"I'm fine I'm fine. Just quiet down, please? The screaming is making my head hurt.." You replied, rubbing your temples as all of them apologized.

"We'll go get the doctor, okay? Don't go anywhere!"

"Not that I even can, so yeah..."

Your parents left the room and all it was left was you and your brother. You looked at him for a while before speaking,

"Where's Jaemin?"

"Hyung? Oh, he's still at school. He should get dismissed soon though," He replied. You nodding in response.

Nothing was said and it was completely silent after that. That is, until you had an idea. You quickly ushered ChanWoo to come closer and you whispered something to him.

"You want to what?! Are you crazy?!"

"Well, yes."

He gave you a judging look, "I'm not gonna do that!"

"I'll buy you anything you want once I'm discharged."

He sighed, "Fine...but if it gets too far then I'm stopping the prank!"


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