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「Author's POV」

"I—uhm....excuse me, this may come off as rude but...who are you?"

Jaemin's eyes widened, breaking the hug he looked at his lover's eyes, trying to find the slightest hint of mischievousness in his eyes.

but alas,

he found nothing.

"W-What?" Jaemin trembled, his hands gripped firmly on your shoulder. "Y-You don't remember who I am??"

From a distance he could hear Jeno's faint "Oh no" as he processed what was going on. Because this surprised him, to say the least.

Who wouldn't be, to know that the one person you truly loved the most, forget you.

"I'm truly sorry, but I don't know you..." You said.

Jaemin didn't know what to do,

he knew that the accident was bad, but he didn't know that it was that bad.

This has to be some sick joke.

Could all those years of him trying to swoon his childhood friend over go to waste? Within just a snap of a finger?

"N-No, this can't be true! W-Wh..." Jaemin said, his voiced barely above a whisper as he let go of your shoulders. Tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"There's no way...." He added, Jeno decided that it was a good idea to approach Jaemin, because looking at his state, he looks like he's about to collapse any time soon.

"I'm so sorry..." You replied, tears falling from your eyes.

"Dude...calm down for a moment. Breathe..." Jeno whispered to the blonde haired boy.

(A/N: his hairstyle is still like the one he had in the WE BOOM era :>)

"H-How can I calm down if-" Jaemin quivered.

He was about to leave the hospital room, that is until,

he heard a small chuckle from the side.

"I'm sorry this needs to stop," ChanWoo spoke, trying to muffle his laughter.

"I don't think now's the time to laugh," Jeno replied, clearly confused.

"Oh but hyung..." ChanWoo paused.

"It is."

The chuckling boy then turned his attention to his older sister, both had stared at each other for a moment.

and the both of you laughed.

"Oh my god you're so terrible at acting..." ChanWoo face palmed.

"What do you mean terrible at acting? That was quite spot on if I do say so myself." You replied proudly, wiping the apparently 'fake tears' off your face.

"I'm truly sorry, but I don't know you..!" ChanWoo mockingly said, his voice high pitched. "That statement was so not you, ChanSook."

"Oi! Don't call me by my first name! I'm your older sister so give me some respect!" You yelled, placing a hand over your chest, trying to fake being offended.

"Give me a good reason why I should."

"Why I outta-"

"G-Guys?? What exactly is going on here?!" Jaemin cut off the two siblings' bickering, his body still slightly shaking from the past conversation.

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