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REQUESTED! For gunnajimout
I'm so excited I got my first request! 😁

I sat in my bathroom staring at the positive pregnancy test in my hands in shock

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I sat in my bathroom staring at the positive pregnancy test in my hands in shock. I was too young. What am I going to do? What would Ten do? How do I tell him? should I even tell him? No I should run. Don't be stupid Mai, that's a dumb idea.

I sighed snapping out of the argument I was having with myself. There was a knock on the bathroom door and I hid the test under the bathroom sink and washed my face to hide the fact that I had been crying before opening the door revealing one of Tens band mates, Taeyong, Taeyong and I were close before Ten and I started dating and became closer once Ten and I got together. He was like an older brother to me and knew me wel-shit he'd know somethings up.

"You were crying. What's wrong?" He frowned. I couldn't lie to him, there was no point.

"I don't know what to do." I looked down. "I'm in trouble."

"What's wrong? You're scaring me Mai." He put his hands on my shoulders. I turned away and got the pregnancy test from under the sink.

"Look." I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I handed him the test which he took from me after looking at me in confusion.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, I nodded. "That's great news! Why are you so sad aren't you happy?"

"I am but, what's Ten going to say? I haven't told him and I don't know how to and I'm scared for his answer what if he leaves me-

"He loves you so much Mai, and he wouldn't do that to you ever. Tell him when you're ready but don't hide it from him." Taeyong hugged me caressing my hair in a comforting way. "It'll be okay I promise."

"I think I'll take a nap." I sniffed pulling away from Taeyongs brotherly embrace. He nodded, I went to Tens and my king sized bed that we shared and laid down pulling the soft covers over myself.

"Sleep well, the boys and I are going to be back soon I'll tell Ten you're asleep." Taeyong Said before walking out of my room closing the door behind him.


I woke up feeling the urge to throw up. I shot out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom throwing up into the toilet. I groaned weakly flushing the toilet forcing myself to get off the floor. I brushed my teeth to get rid of the bitter taste before walking downstairs to get something to eat. I wasn't hungry but I wasn't eating just for myself now so I had to. I heard the faint sounds of laughter and chattering which told me the boys were back from practice. I walked into the kitchen getting the boys attention.

"Hi Mai! How was your nap?" Kun asked with a warm smile which I just had to return.

"It was great, when did you guys get back from practice?" I asked the boys as Ten opened his arms for me to walk into which I did. If I didn't hug him he'd get suspicious. Also who could resist him?

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