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Aug 26th,2019

New York City, NY

Valeria's P.O.V

Today's the day. My first day of classes at F.I.T. ,where I will be studying Fashion Design for the next four years. Juan is also majoring in fashion design but he will be concentrating in sports wear, where as I will be concentrating in intimate wear. Ana is going for interior design and Diana for film & media.

"Come on chicas, breakfast is on the table. Make sure you're quick Val, we've got our draping class at nine." Juan says setting the last of the waffles on a plate he had previously  placed on the table.

"Yes sir!" I say with a mouth already full of waffles and syrup.

Before I knew it we were all out the door and on our way to campus.

~Late Afternoon~

It's almost two o'clock, and the gang & I are just about to meet up for a quick lunch considering they all have a class at 2:30. I only had my morning draping class with Juan, because he couldn't get into the Art History class that I did.

I was supposed to meet up with them like fifteen minutes ago but I have absolutely no idea where in the hell I'm supposed to be going. Me being the shy person I am around strangers, I haven't built up the courage to ask someone for directions so for now, Jesus take the wheel and guide me to my friends.

Finally, after another ten minutes I was finally able to find the small café my friends were at. You see, I don't need a map or anyones help. Just as I was mentally praising myself, I could feel the café's front door colliding with my body sending me to the ground.

"Oh dear god. I'm so sorry love." I hear an accent apologizing, followed by some "Nice going bruv." and other comments that I could not understand.

"It's okay, I should've paid more attention..." I say before getting lost in the eyes of this beautiful human being. Without realizing, my dumbass blurts out the beautiful human being part out loud.

"Ha thanks love, you're very stunning yourself." He says as we continue to just stare at one another before someone clears their throat.

"Oh right, yeah um sorry about that again." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"No worries, I should probably not stand so close to a door that pushes out every two seconds. Well, I'll be going now. Bye!" I say awkwardly before walking past all of his friends giving them one of my legendary "shy smiles".

"My name's Hero!" I hear the beautiful stranger say with that beautiful accent of his.

"Val." I reply with a smile.

"Why don't you lads go on and I'll meet up with youse all in a bit." Hero tells his group of friends before they all bid their farewells to him & I. They of course teased him a bit.

"Sorry about them and the door of course." He says looking back at where his friends just left off to.

"Don't worry about it really. No harm, plus it's not the first time that a door knocks me down. Knocking me to the ground using a door was my brothers favorite game to play with me when we were younger. I'm kind of a pro at it." I say earning a laugh from Hero.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Truly remarkable." He smirks.

I suddenly see his eyes direct to the door behind me and before I know it someone is tapping my shoulder.

"Hey Val, I thought someone kidnapped you or something chica." Di says, whilst Juan and Ana nod in agreement.

"Ha no, actually I got lost and..." Juan quickly cuts me off with a "Not surprised."

"Made a new friend too I see." Ana winks at me and then at Hero.

"Ha, um yeah I guess, I mean we just met but..." I ramble on and on until Hero decides to speak up.

"Yeh, I'm Hero. Val's new friend." he says reaching his hand out for Juan to shake.

"Well nice to meet you Hero, I'm Juan. To my right is Diana, and that right there is Ana."

"Nice to meet you all." Hero smiles at them.

"You too accent man! Well Val, as much as we love spending time with you, we kinda have to leave for class and since you took long we had to order without you. But I promise we can all go out for dinner tonight after class." Ana speaks for them all.

"Yeah no I get it, its totally fine. I'll just go get something quickly on my own."

"Um, if you don't mind I can maybe join you? I didn't really get to eat anything with my mates." Hero asks me nervously.

"Oh, um yeah that sounds great. So um, I'll see you three tonight?"

"Yup! See you later chica. Enjoy! Nice meeting you again accent man! TAKE CARE OF HER! GRACIAS" Ana says, well more like yells as she drags Juan and Di away with her.

"Interesting friends you got there." Hero laughs.

"Yeah I sure do."

"Shall we go inside then?" He asks, which I quickly respond to with a "Yes please, I'm starving.

"Well then, after you love." He says holding the door open for me.

Gosh, what a stunning gentleman.

Letting Her Go. |Hero FT A.U.|Where stories live. Discover now