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Val's P.O.V
May 17th, 2023

"Smile Valeria it makes you look decent considering you're not the best looking out of us two." Santigo says as we're taking selfies with my diploma.

That's right bitches, I'm officially a college graduate!

"Again, we look the same." I remind him for the billionth time in the last twenty one years of my life.

"I'll beg to differ love. I think Santiago got the worse of the genes." Hero jokes, joining my brother & I where I was dragged to by my brother for better selfie lighting.

"Well if you didn't know my grandma thinks I have the prettiest face on planet earth, thank you very much." Santi smirks before walking back to where my parents are with all of my best friends parents.

"You're a life saver babe! I thought he'd never stop taking selfies." I thank my boyfriend before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Can't blame him love, we're all really proud of you." Hero smiles from ear to ear as he places his hand on my stomach.

"Be careful babe! My parents might see what you're doing." I try turning towards an angle I know they won't be able to see what Hero's doing.

"Sorry love, kind of a force of habit I've developed ever since we found out." He apologizes.

"Its okay mi amor. I promise we'll tell them at dinner." I assure him.

"I think I can work work with that" he chuckles.

If you haven't caught on yet... I'm pregnant. According to the OBGYN that we've been going to since last month, I'm officially six weeks as of last Thursday meaning I'll be seven weeks tomorrow. Meaning I got pregnant about two or three weeks after our reconciliation in Miami.
I was pretty scared when I found out because I wasn't sure how Hero would react due to the fact we had just gotten back together and then there's the fact that I'm supposed to start my new job with a French lingerie brand with a design lab here in NYC this up and coming July. Lucky for me , when I spoke to Julia, my soon to be boss she was more than delighted to know I was expecting and assured me it wouldn't affect my position with them.
No one was more than delighted to know I was pregnant than Hero himself. He's been so caring and loving and understanding. His reaction to the news made me realize that this is what I want, what we both want. Come late December we will have a little one representing the love we have for one another.
After he calmed down from the excitement upon receiving the news we talked and decided to just keep this between ourselves and Julia of course for a bit. That was until last weekend when Hero and I equally decided it was time to tell our families over my graduation dinner. His parents will be there too, they just couldn't attend the ceremony due to the fact that I was only given five tickets and thay just barely covered my parents, brother, brother's wife, and of course Hero.

"Hey love birds let's go! I'm starving, walking across the stage is hardwork." Juan tells out.

"Well meet you guys there mate!" Hero assures him before he nods and walks off with all our friends & families towards the parking garage.

"Ready to go my love?" He says taking a hold of my hand.


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