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Hero's P.O.V 

For the first time in over a year, I got to spend the afternoon with Valeria. And for the first time in over a year, I spent the night in her room. Not in that way, but rather just in each others arms. We spent hours just talking about everything, everything but the problem that led me to cowardly ending things with her many months ago. 

"Good Morning Love." I smile over at her, as she awakes from her slumber. 

"Good Morning!" She smiles back. 

"Do you want to order room service or should we head out for breakfast?" I ask her tugging a strand of hair behind her ear. She always looks so stunning no matter what. It's been so many years since I've meet her, and I'm still as whipped as ever. 

"Hmm, I think we should go out. Finish talking about stuff you know." She kisses my cheek, proceeding to grab some clothes out of her suitcase. "I'm going to go take a quick shower, you should probably go back to your room and get ready." 

"You're right. Text me once you're done. As you know I'm only a few doors down." I start putting yesterdays clothes on. 

"Okay babe. I'll miss you." She sincerely says before pecking my lips.

"Me too love. Don't take too long alright?"

"I'll try!"

Almost an hour later, I finally received a text from her letting me know that she was ready. Less than a minute after receiving her message, I'm already standing outside her door wait for her to open. 

She opens the door, wearing a stunning red dress. 

"I forgot how much I love it when you wear red

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"I forgot how much I love it when you wear red." I look her up and down. Why the fuck did I ever let her go. 

"Well thank you very much, now lets go because I am starving!" 

We take an uber to a cafe about ten minutes away from our hotel, and decide to ask for outdoor seating considering the Miami heat wasn't as bad today. 

"So how long have you and the boys been here?" She asks taking a sip of her iced coffee that we ordered not too long ago. 

"Eh not that long, we arrived Friday morning. Feels like we're going to spend more to on the plane than we are actually here. I'm thinking about maybe flying to New York, rather than London. Check up on the flat. I have to sell it soon since Alex is obviously getting married and I won't have who to split the bills with... Wait, I've got it! Why don't you move in with me love? I'd be perfect, plus you'll be done with school soon..." She cuts me off.

"Look Hero, I think you're getting to ahead of yourself right now. There's still something we have to talk about before we talk about me moving in, don't forget we're technically not together." My face immediately dropped at the fact that she's right. She's no longer mine, at least not once again. 

"You're right, I'm sorry." She places her hand over mine and says "It's alright love." 

Our food arrives and we eat in a comfortable silence, until she decides to speak up.

"I think we should talk about what happened now. It won't help the situation if we keep putting it off." 

"You're right love. Look Val, I want to apologize again, I swear to god I know what I did was wrong, but I panicked. I felt like you were slipping through my fingers. I'm so stupid. I thought that if she left for the internship, you would finally realize that there is better men out there than me, someone who could give you the life you want and deserve. I thought you would realize you still have a whole life ahead of you and realized that I was only holding you back. I felt like I was too "old" to be with you. For christ sake I was twenty one  and you were just barely eighteen when we began dating.  " I can't look her in the eyes right now.

"Hero, there was no reason for you to feel that way what's so ever, and if you really felt that way you should've spoken to me about it. I spent years with you, dreaming about the day we'd start a family of our own. Even if I would've taken up that internship, I wouldn't have broken up with you or whatever you thought I was going to do. I love you. Age gap and all. I love you and no one else. I don't give a crap about any other guy, it's you and it's always been you, Hero." I finally gain the courage to look her in the eyes. Those eyes that make me fall in madly in love each and every time I look into them. 

"I love you Valeria. And I'll keep apologizing for letting you go. God I fucking love you." I caress her beautiful face, as she giggles at my words. 

"I love you babe." She finally leans in for a kiss. I get the same feeling at the pit of my stomach that I've gotten since the first kiss we shared many years ago. 

Val's P.O.V

"So, does this mean we're together again?" He asks me in a desperate tone. 

"Hmm, I don't know..." I playful take a sip of my drink.

"Come on Val, don't keep me waiting please." He tries giving me his best puppy eyes.

"Well I haven't been properly asked so..." 

"Oh yes, how rude of me. Let's start that over again." He grabs my hand once again. "Will you be my girlfriend again Val?" 

I keep him waiting for a few seconds of anticipation just for the fun of it before answering his question.

"I would love too." He kisses me once again, and the butterflies in my stomach return. 

"I know this might be a bit too pushy, considering we just got back together babe, but how about moving in with me then?" 

"I don't know Hero, I can't just leave Ana to pay the bills and the rent all on her own." It's true, I can't just leave Ana with the responsibility of paying my half of the bills out of the blue, especially considering we are going to be graduating very soon. 

"Okay so how about you move in after graduation, that should give her enough time to find another roommate. Or better yet, why don't we have her move in with us? She can take Alex's old room." I do like that suggestion. 

"There's one problem though. We have a six month lease that's not over until June. So with that being said, why don't you just sell your apartment like you initially planned and just move in with me instead?" His eyes immediately light up with my offer. 

"Looks like I'm moving in then." He winks at me. 

God, I love him. I just hope I don't regret any of this. 

Letting Her Go. |Hero FT A.U.|Where stories live. Discover now