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Hero's P.O.V
New York City, NY
June 12th, 2021

"Babe! Make sure you put the gift bags near the front door" Val yells from the bathroom.
We were getting ready for Santiago's girlfriends baby shower. After the whole Christmas surprise he gave us all, especially for his parents we all got to meet his girlfriend Naomi on New Years. Although they've both just turned twenty-two, they decided to keep the baby which is due any day now.
"Yeah love don't worry." I shout back.
I've been waiting for her to finish getting ready for the last half hour. I wish she would understand that she doesn't need all that makeup, she's stunning regardless.
"Okay I'm ready. How do I look?!" She walks out the bathroom looking just as stunning as ever.
"Always so stunning." I grab her hand to twirl her around, followed by that cute giggle of hers.
"Well thank you very much! You look very handsome yourself." She pecks my lips. "Now come on, Merc says everyone is there already."

After a twenty minute drive we arrived at the hotel they were hosting the shower at. If I'm being honest I have no bloody clue as to why I have to attend, I thought it was something just for the women.
"Hero, what's up bro?!" Juan is the first to greet me out of Val's friends.
"Not much man just chilling."
"Good, good. Guessing Val made you come?" He says handing me a glass of champagne off the table.
"Yeh, said it was common in the Hispanic community for men to attend these things as well." I say before taking a sip.
"Yeah pretty much. I've probably been attending these type of things since the womb."
Juan & I continued to talk throughout the entire night, whilst Val left with Mercy and my mother to go with the other ladies doing good knows what.
"Hero! Man great to see you. Sorry it's taken me this long to come and say hello. Thanks for coming!" Santiago comes up to where Juan & I stood.

"Yeah man no problem. Congrats again! Love you man" I tell him as we bro hug.

"Love you too man. Hope you're enjoying your first baby shower that I had no say so in planning but was told to pay for it and show up."

"That sounds just about right mate." I laugh. It's true the poor lad had no absolute say in anything when it came to this baby shower. I know this because we make it a thing to grab a beer every Thursday night possible since he's turned twenty-one last year. Just to catch up on life you know.
"Hey guys!" Val comes up from the side and places her arm on my back.
"Hello love, haven't seen you all night."
"Yeah sorry about that, but I'm sure Juan's kept you plenty busy with the alcohol." She says taking my cup that was once full of whisky.
"I've done no such thing. Well I guess this is where I say my farewells and go home. Great party Santi. Nice to see you again Hero. Love the hair Val, truly. See you all around." Juan bids before making his way out the front door.
"Well I guess it's time we leave as well ." Val says, to which I agree.

"Bye Santi, I love you so much hermano." Val says to Santiago, before I as well say my goodbye to him and the rest of her family that was still there, as well as my sister and parents.

"Everything was so freaking cute! I can't wait for Naomi to have the baby." Val goes on as she slips her shoes off inside the closet in our room. Well technically its my room, at my apartment, but if you ask Alex he would tell you she practically lives here with us during her summer break and on the weekends during her semesters. I of course am not complaining, nor Alex because he surprisingly gets along with Val more than I would expect him to. You could say they're like best friends, but don't say that to Juan because he gets jealous

"Yeah, I'm glad they decided to keep the baby. I'm sure that baby girl is just what they need." I go to wrap my arms around her waist, I of course have to bend down a bit.

"Yeah you're right." She smiles up at me.

"I can only hope that'll be us one day." I blurt out. Good going Hero, she's just about to be twenty and you're already trying to scare her away with the having children topic, I mean not that we haven't had it already, but still.

"I hope so too! Having the perfect little family I've dreamt of with the perfect man." Woah I didn't think she'd agree. I hope she's not just saying so because it's what I want.


"Yeah, why not! I'm sure we'd make some pretty babies, you don't think?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, I think so. Why don't we start practicing tonight?"

"Hmm, I don't know." She keeps that smirk on that gorgeous face of her's.

"Oh, you're not sure?" I say pulling her closer, leaving no space between our bodies.

"You know what I'm actually really tired." She fake yawns. "Night night!" she runs away giggling.

"Oh you're so gonna get it."

Letting Her Go. |Hero FT A.U.|Where stories live. Discover now