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Valeria's P.O.V

November 13th, 2021

New York City, NY

11:12 am

"Good Morning Friends!" Ana says walking into the kitchen where we were all sat waiting for her to walk out her room so we could go to brunch like we had agreed to. 

"Took you long enough woman." Juan says standing up.

"Hey, I know I'm beautiful but a girl does have to use a bit of tricks here and there." 

"Sure whatever. Can we please go like now?! I'm starving." Juan says opening the front door so we could leave. 

"Come on chicas before I slap him." Ana says as we all grab our purses. 

We decided to have brunch at this diner not far from the apartment. Lately, believe it or not I've been spending a lot more time with my roommates. Hero always seems to be away for work and when he's in town he's busy with more work or so he says. 

"So, how's everyones love lives going? Mine for one is literally not even a real thing. At this point I think big foot will be proven real before my love life." Ana says cutting up her waffle. 

"Same." Both Diana and Juan say, all to quickly if I do say so myself. Hmm. 

"What about you Val, how's everything in perfect land with Prince Charming?" Di asks. 

"Things are okay I guess. It's just, well I haven't been wanting to tell you guys but he's been acting a bit weird ever since we celebrated our two year anniversary. As you guys can probably tell, he's always either away for work or supposedly busy with work when he's in the city. I don't know. I wish he could tell me what's wrong. Oh god, you guys don't think he's just not into me anymore. Oh my god." I drop my knife and fork onto the table.

"No,no,no, don't say that Val." Ana speaks up first. 

"Why not? Maybe it's true, how could I have not noticed before. Or maybe I'm just too clingy. If that's the case than okay why not tell me anything. Oh god it's my fault, I've fucked it all up haven't I." I ramble on and on before rubbing my face with both hands. 

"Don't say that Val. You're crazy if you think that. The dude is crazy in love with you. And anyone can tell you that just by the way he looks at you." Juan tells me.

"Yeah Juan's right. Plus, you have to remember he works for a very big brand so maybe he really is that busy. It happens you know. The brand is probably giving him more work now that he's been there for a while, so he clearly knows what they like and all that jazz." Diana tries to assure me, before Ana agrees with her. 

"Exactly! Just give it some time amor, I'm sure it's just a temporary thing. If they're giving him all that work it must mean they love what he's doing. Don't worry things will be back to normal before you know it, and this conversation will be long forgotten." 

"I guess you guys are right."

I really hope so, I hope this whole Hero being weird is just because of work and nothing more. 

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