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Valeria's P.O.V
May 21st, 2020
New York, NY

Today's the day that Hero graduates from F.I.T. and I don't know how to feel. Part of me is upset that he won't be there to greet me after class and meet up with for lunch. But, I am beyond proud to see him walk across that stage today. I know this is what he's dreamt of and he got an amazing job offer to be a part of the Ralph Lauren photography & video production team here in NY. Sure he'll have to travel every now and then but he'll be based out of NY. So I'll still get to see his handsome face.

"Hey Val! Ready to go?" Juan asks me from my bedroom door. He is being the amazing friend he always is, by driving me to where the graduation ceremony is held at. I'm excited to meet up with Hero's family again. I was lucky to meet them over Spring Break, when they flew out here for the week. We got both mine and his family together for a weekend at the shore in Jersey, and honestly I'm so grateful that they all got along so well, and don't get me started on how quickly I clicked with his mother and sister. We literally talk almost every day since then.

Once I arrive, I see Mercy waiting for me near the entrance.
"Oh my gosh! It's so good to see you." I practically squeal as we embrace one another in a hug.
"You're telling me. You're quite the sight for sore eyes! You look marvelous."
"As do you!"
I could now see Hero's parents approaching us.
"Val darling, you're finally here! How was the traffic?" His mother Martha asks as we do our usual hug and peck on the cheek.
"It could've been worse, I had Juan drop me off two blocks away, didn't want the poor thing to have to deal with the traffic because of all the attendees."
"Ah that's very true." His father George, speaks after greeting me.
"Well we should head back Titan is saving our seats! Come along girls" Martha locks her arms with mine and Merc's

After nearly three hours, Hero is finally a college graduate and I couldn't be more proud. We had dinner with his family before heading back to his apartment to end the night together.

"So my man is officially a college grad huh?!" I say helping him take off his navy blue blazer.

"Mm, I guess so." he looks down at me with those beautiful eyes.
"Mm, that's very, and I mean very sexy Mr.FT" I bite my lip as I unbutton his shirt.
"I love you Val." I hear those words come out of his mouth for the first time ever.
"I love you more."
"Trust me love, not possible."
We spend the night just how we always should, our bodies tangled in the sheets,making love,talking for hours, holding one another.

Letting Her Go. |Hero FT A.U.|Where stories live. Discover now