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Val's P.O.V
December 25th, 2023

"Wakey wakey daddy!" I caress Hero's face to slowly wake him up. Well I've been trying to for the last ten minutes.

"What time is it?" He mumbles stuffing his face into his pillow.

"Eight thirty six love." I respond checking the time on my phone with my free hand, while the other holds our nine day old new born, Dean.

"Oh what a lovely first site." Hero smiles at us before giving me a quick morning  peck. He then adjusts himself so he can properly hold Dean.

"Hey little man, what time did you wake mummy up today?" He asks our little boy softly caressing his chubby cheeks with his thumb.

"Just a bit after six twenty. Not bad considering he only woke up three times last night." If there's one thing you should know about Dean, it's that he's such a great baby when it comes to the nighttime and sleeping. I mean he's an all around amazing baby, but he does let us get more rest than what we were told to expect, so we can't be mad about that.

We lay there for a while before Hero nearly jolts out of  bed with Dean still in his arms.
"Dean mate! How could we have nearly forgotten?! Its your first Christmas mate. We gotta get up and going. You've got a lot of presents under the tree innit? Come on mummy we got places to be, people to meet." He places out his hand to help me up from the bed.

"Well we don't actually have places to be today. Considering the people are literally downstairs in the kitchen." This year for Christmas, we're staying at my parents house in New Jersey and Hero's mom & Merc flew out a couple of weeks ago for my due date and to of course spend the holidays with us. His dad got here two days ago.

"Good Morning and a Merry Christmas  to you FT Clan!" Santi practically shouts as we walk into the kitchen where I had only left our mothers just half an hour ago.

"Oi Idiot, would ya mind not shouting like that? You're going to wake me godson up." Merc whacks him in the arm before coming to take Dean out of Hero's arms.

"Uh he's my god son too!" Santi argues.

"Sorry babe but Merc and I came to the mutual agreement that he's perfectly fine with two god mothers and no godfather. Better luck next time. Now, go take Belle her orange juice before she bites your dad again." Naomi's not lying. My niece Belle has really gave the "terrible two's" a run for its money.

After a delicious breakfast thanks to my mom & Martha, we all move to the livingroom where our christmas tree is at. This year my parents went for some blue & pink decor in honor of their grandbabies.

We eventually start exchanging presents. If I'm being honest, a majority of the gifts were mainly for Belle & Dean.

Our entire Christmas day is spent with endless laughs and just all around great energy & vibes. I couldn't have asked for a better first Christmas with Dean, and I can't wait to have this forever with my little family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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