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Val's P.O.V

"So you're telling me that Hero is staying at the same hotel that we are at?" Ana asks as we are all sat at a table at the iconic "sugar factory" restaurant in Miami.

"That's clearly what she's repeated the last three times you've asked her." Di rolls her eyes before taking a sip of her sugary blue drink.

"Totally crazy right?" Juan says scratching his arm for like the hundredth time since we've gotten here.

"Juan, dude you good there? You keep scratching your arms every two seconds." Glad to know I'm not the only one who noticed.

"Yeah, you good there babe?" Diana folds her arms and looks at him in a suspicious way.

"Yeah. I'm totally fine. Couldn't be better, although, am I the only one who's hot? Is the A.C on in this damn place." He now starts loosening the collar on his button up shirt.

"Are you sure there is nothing on your mind that you'd like to share with us BABE?!" Wow Di looks pissed.

"Um, no?" Juan says in a questioning matter.

"Well I think you do sweetheart." Di places her hand on his shoulder, and if I'm not mistake she has a very, and I mean very tight grip on his shoulder.

"Oh no she's right! You do have something you're keeping from us. How could we forget, you would always get the sweats and itch growing up whenever you would get nervous. SO WHAT ARE YOU KEEPING FROM US PRETTY BOY?!" Ana jumps up from her seat.

"Okay Anitta, sit down dude. No need to cause a scene." I pull her arm to sit her back down.

"So are you going to tell us or are we going to have to torture you until you tell us?" Ana moves closer to his face, whilst remaining seated.

"Um, ha. I don't know. I'm fifty-fifty on what your reactions are going to be. So I think I'll sweat this one out instead." He then proceeds to take a big gulp of water.

"Well sweetness, guess the girls and I are going to have a lovely girls trip for the remainder of our time here whilst you stay in YOUR room all alone. I'm sure Val won't mind me staying in her room, right Val?" Di smiles over at me.

"Nope, I don't mind. I love a good cuddle, and considering I've been all alone for an entire year, having a person to throw my leg over sounds soothing."

"UGH FINE! I'll tell you guys, but you promise you won't get mad at me. You all have to swear on Lilly." Lilly is his car incase you're all wondering. That poor thing has been driving us around since we were all sixteen when Juan was the first to get his license.

"You know we're going to promise and most likely not end up actually going through with the promise right?" Ana is right, but you can't blame us, Juan is always doing some stupid shit.

"Yeah babes, she's got a point." I agree to which Di does too.

"Women. But fine, I'll still tell you but please keep your voices down and your hands to yourself. Please and thank you."

"Yeah, yeah go on." Us girls roll our eyes.

"Okay so, as you all know Alex Sappa is getting married." He begins.

"Yes now get to the point." Ana moves her hands in a way to indicate for him to hurry up.

"Well, when he posted on instagram about his engagement and all of that jazz, I messaged him to congratulate him and all that jazz. And, after that we stayed in contact, well more like got back in contact like before Val and H broke up. A lot of the times we would message and all that jazz we found ourselves talking about how you and H were just complete and utter messes and how annoying it was to constantly having you cry and slob and blah blah blah. Love you though Val. Point is that well you see, I love you Val so much, like so freaking much you know. Besties! So ALEXANDIPLANNEDFORUSALLTOCOMETOMIAMIALLATTHESAMETOSOWECANTRYANDGETYOUANDHEROBACKTOGTHER the end."

"Oh no no no! You repeat that last part and slowly, or I swear I will chop your dick off tonight when you're sleeping." Di threatens.

"Look I'm sorry Val, but Alex and I thought it would be a good idea to get you and Hero in the same place and luckily our spring break just so happened to fall around the same time Alex's bachelor weekend was planned for. Look Val, I didn't mean for it to hurt you more or for it to upset you, but I seriously think you and Hero need to talk about where you stand. I'm really sorry." And just like Hero, I can tell Juan's apology was sincere. But I wasn't going to let Hero know that. But I will be accepting Juan's apology.

"Look Juan, I appreciate what you and Alex are trying to do, but it's not going to happen okay. Hero broke up with me. Not the other way around and if he truly wanted to be with me he wouldn't have ever done so." I really want to take this opportunity but I can't. I feel it in my heart, that I'm only going to get even more hurt.

"Val, you have to. The kid fucking loves you! I know it might not seem it but he really does and he knows he fucked up, like really fucked up. More than you would think." Juan opens his eye widely.

"What do you mean more than I would think? Oh my god, I was right wasn't I? He cheated." I can start to feel tears forming in my eyes.

"NO! God no, he would never that kid kisses the ground you walk on." I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder when those words came out Juan's mouth.

"So then what did he do? You have to tell me Juan, please. I beg you."

"I don't know how you'll take it Val."

"Just please tell me Juan."

"This isn't going to be easy to hear but, a few weeks before your two year anniversary, you lent Hero your laptop and whilst he was using it you got an email. It was from that lingerie company in Italy. You know the one you were trying to get the internship at, so you could do a study abroad semester in Italy. Well I guess he panicked when he read it and realized you'd be leaving, so he, god I'm so sorry Val. He decided to act on impulse and deleted the email and made sure he blocked the brands email and made sure they never contacted you ever again. At first he only told Alex and his mom about the email thing, but eventually his sister Mercy found out that he also took it upon himself to contact the company and told them you wouldn't be taking the offer because you had received a better one. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me Val and not him." I can tell Juan genuinely feels ashamed, but not just for himself but for everyone who knew, and especially for Hero.

I thought he loved me. Why would he sabotage my life like that?

I quickly got up and grabbed my stuff, leaving a couple of bills sure to cover my part of the bill.

"I have to go."

I quickly leave, as my friends yell asking where I'm going.

I don't bother to let them know, all I care about is finding that asshole, and making sure he knows how much he's ruined my fucking life.

Fuck him.

Letting Her Go. |Hero FT A.U.|Where stories live. Discover now