February 9th, 1964

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     The sounds of shrill screams filled my ears as the thousands of fans in the crowd before us filled the whole room, full of ecstatic energy and joy, it was like a jungle filled with crazy animals but mostly filled with fangirls that couldn't keep away their emotions, they called out my name along with my three other lads. 

 It was almost surprising to me of how many people here in America really appreciated our band because, before then, we had started out as a little old club band back in Liverpool, I never thought that the songs we wrote would be loved by so many.

     The first song we played was, "All My Loving" and I took it away with my singing, more fans had screamed and it was totally unbelievable, my fingers moved up upon my lefty flame maple violin hofner bass guitar, strumming the strings with every chord I hit.

  George, the lead guitarist, picked at his strings to the song with a great smile, and he seemed to have liked the crowd as much as I did.  For the four of us, many of the people of America would call us , "The Fab Four," otherwise our band-name.

  Anyways, the next song we played was,"Till there was You," which was also sung by myself although, I don't just want to make it all about me right now, let me tell you, the song after that, when we started to sing, "She Loves You," every fangirl went crazy over it, I even saw a few faint in the audience before me.  John, the leader of our band was the one to lead off that song, and I was proud that he did so because, he truly is an amazing singer. 

    Although, I can't forget our best drummer Ringo, he's always the one that I've thought to be as the heart of our band, The Beatles.  He's always in a good mood, and he's sort of the short, blue eyed, rather large nosed fella that is talented at what he does best, and I like him for that.

  When we finished up with our last song we hurried off stage to the back where we could finally catch our breaths.  I took the time to go out an exit door and stop at a railing outside, I inhaled the fresh night air feeling the light breeze upon my sweaty face, the air felt nice but I also knew that I would have to leave soon back to the hotel with my friends.  

"Mr. McCartney?"

A female spoke behind me.  I turned around to face a young woman's, she seemed a couple years younger but, very pretty in the moonlight.

"I'm Heather Rosemary, I-I'm sorry to disturb you--and I know you just got off stage but, I was wondering if you would answer a few questions."

"Why yes, of course." I smiled.

"Do you believe that if you hadn't joined Lennon in the Quarrymen a while ago, do you think that the Beatles would have ever existed?"

"You know, just maybe because we had other lads back in Liverpool who we knew were great people that used to play in our band.  If it wasn't for them to have helped along, we wouldn't have been here."

     She wrote down the things I had said in her little book, she was probably a journalist for the news, and I also noticed that her necklace was a beautiful silver with a small blue jewel that sparkled.  She seemed a bit shaky though writing down the things, I wondered if she was nervous to be in my presence, I sure everybody is when they meet someone that just got off stage from a rather large crowd.  

"Okay, now um, how are you going to be committed to playing music around the world, how do you think that will inspire other's to be something?"

"Well," I began, "The songs me and Lennon write are for entertainment and they have a meaning towards the crowd, now I don't know if anyone else would like the things that we play but, they can reject it or like it as much as they want, because, anybody can have there own opinions.  I think it's very great if we did inspire others because it would really mean a whole lot,"

I saw her write down the things I said but more quickly, she seemed a bit pleased with my replies and I knew for myself it would sound good on the news, I mean, we were already all over the news.  As she was finishing up writing I said,

"Can I say this off the record for you?  Just to you personally?"

She looked up to me with her emerald eyes,  and her deep brown hair, she smiled,

"Yes.  What is it?"

"I really liked your necklace, is that a sapphire that's on the silver chain?  Because it looks marvelous on you,"

She giggled softly feeling flattered, she said,

"Why thank you."

"Also, your eyes, they are like emerald embers floating, it's like they touch the dark and life spreads, and, your hair, it's reminds me of dark chocolate, bitter, but also very sweet."

     My words floated to her like a dove, and she was overcome with a speechless mind, her heart may have leaped a little but, her voice could not be kept away, so I saw her look down at her little pad of paper and I saw her write something again and I had wondered what it could be.  That is when she tore the paper from her book and handed it too me.  

     She told me that I would be seeing her soon, and she walked past me with a smile and face that seemed to blush, or maybe it wasn't a blush at all, however, after she left I looked down at the paper she gave me and it had a phone number and to what surprised me, a description she thought about me, and those words meant a whole lot more then just appreciating for who I was, but also liking for who I really am.

"Your hair is like dark chocolate as well, and your eyes are hazel like a November topaz, and your beating heart is more tender then anyone else I've ever met in the world."

    I folded up that note and kept it in the breast pocket of my black suit, I then turned and hurried back inside to get to my friends.  In the back of my mind I knew that she was just a very nice journalist for a news company probably, but, she might've meant slightly more you could say, and with those words, it fell to me hard.

I know I'll never forget her, because she's really got a hold on me.

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