The News

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     The article released on the front page over of the Washington posts' newspaper.  "The Fab Four in America" was the front cover and bold title, and a photograph of the Beatles singing at the Ed Sullivan show.  The newspaper landed at the apartment room where the Beatles stayed, the newspaper was retrieved by George Harrison after he went out to get some tea down in the lobby, he looked at the front cover seeing his other lads on the front page about themselves, he went up to the apartment door and knocked on it, Ringo opened the door letting him inside as he kept reading the newspaper.

    George sat back on the couch flipping through the newspaper as I walked into the room eating a biscuit, I looked over seeing what Harrison was reading and noticed the writer and editor on there was by Heather, I looked at what George was reading eating the biscuit at the same time, it was quite compelling for me, the things she described in the news, and I thought she wrote brilliantly.  Behind me John walked into the kitchen to grab a biscuit for himself, meanwhile Ringo was busy shining his own shoes.  

"Very nice girl, Heather, " I said to George.

"You mean you met the writer?  She's the one that quoted you in here?" He asked looking back to me.

"Yes, and we went out on a very friendly date at the cafe.  Y'know to get to know eachother more." I explained to him with a grin.

"Paul, you know were only here for a couple more days, and then were gonna have to go back to London." Harrison spoke gently to me.

"I know, which is why I have her number, we'll be in contact, and I'll write to her every-now and then, at least until we come back to america for another concert here."

"A distant relationship?  I don't know if that's really gonna work out."  Ringo said walking into the room after he finished polishing his shoes.  

"Well it will, I'll make a promise to her before we leave back to Liverpool lads." I said to George and Ringo firmly.

"I think Paul can manage a distant relationship, especially with a young writer for the Washington Post," John said leaning on the side of the door way with a coffee mug in his right hand.  He sipped his coffee,

"What did she say in there about us?"

"Well it says that ,' February 9th, 1964, the world's number 1 United Kingdom rock n' roll band, the Beatles, have drawn crowds of thousands of young teenager fans from all around.  These men show youth to America after the loss of President John F. Kennedy.  With the songs ,"She Loves You," and "Twist and Shout," are what drove the crowd of fan-girls to faint, cry, laugh, and scream with full of emotion, while watching these four young Englishmen sing.'  That's was one of the things she talked to us about, was that we drove the fan-girls mad."  George had read the newspaper article to us.

  I spoke, "That is very much accurate, no lie in that."

"I feel kinda bad for you, having to leave her so soon, it seems like the beginning of your relationship with her is starting very well."  Ringo said lighting a cigarette.

"We'll be able to stay in contact, she's a good writer too so I don't think that's a problem." I shrugged.

"I'll bet you eighty pounds you won't be able to manage the distant relationship!" doubted George with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, then John spoke scolding Harrison,

"Oi, knock it off George you should have some respect with one's personal relationships.  You haven't gotten one ay?  Yeah, don't go blabbering your mouth off an doubting people.  Anyways---."

John pulled the newspaper out of George's hands and continued to read,

"--Starting out as young Liverpudlians, the Beatles have lived there life in London playing their music to people.  Soon when they released their first album to America, people began to fall in love with it, it was something new and something people have not yet heard before, "British Elvises" some people have said.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo played an epic breathtaking show for the people all across america at the Ed Sullivan show, they are kind gentlemen that have a passion for creating music."

I look over to John as he stopped reading and he looked at something with his eyes, squinting a little, then he said,

"Hey, what does this mean, "As many say, emerald embers effect you in a thousand ways, the Beatles are just like that, they are beautiful."  What does that mean?"  John showed to me the paper and my face became enlightened, I chuckled to myself.  John looked over at me,

"What, what is it?"

"Oh, it's nothing it's just that, I described the way she looked when I first met her, it was more of a compliment really an---."

"Ooooooh Macca!  You've used your powers on her you handsome laddie! Ha ha!  You know it, come on I know exactly how you feel." John said with a sense of humor.

"Piss off bugger, you don't know how I feel." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"You described her and now she put something like that in the newspaper, your not referenced when she says it though." Ringo said blowing a drag of smoke, tapping out his cigarette.

"That's because it was anonymous, I asked for it to be off the record.  It's just between the two of us." I shrugged with a grin.

 "How did you describe her?" John asked me curiously, sounding excited as if he were a gossip girl waiting for a secret to be told.  Soon all of me lads came in close to hear what I had described her, although I told them never to tell anyone else, not to our producer Mr. Martin, not to our friends,  not to our manager Brian Epstein, and not to our assistant Mal Evans, and everyone else.  They were good with keeping promises, and I trust them with my life.

  I told them that her hair reminded me of dark chocolate, it's bitter, but also sweet, and her eyes are like emerald embers, she's beautiful and smart for the way she is writing all the time.  I also talked to my friends at how her skin seemed quite beautiful as well, but I kept my distance and I was polite with her during the cafe' date.  However, I still have quite a lot of feelings for her still even though I may be leaving.  John just simply told me that I should write to her everyday just to be sure she's alright, and that one day I'll return to her.

  He's right, Lennon.  I know that if I love her, I'll be sure to not forget her at all.  Heather.  Heather Rosemary.  She has a beautiful name as well, I would always know her for the things she says and the thing's she'll write to me.  Hopefully our distant love will last until we can see eachother again.

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