A Hard Day's Night

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     We had now finished filming our movie and it's too be released today July 10th, 1964.  From a few footage's I've observed at how many people have gone to the movies all over America and London, it was incredible!  Me and my lads had just come out of an interview on our film and we we're heading back to our flats in an under-covered car so that we wouldn't be chased after the fangirls.  And as we were sitting in the back of the car together, we talked about the movie ourselves.

  What things we were terrible at, and what things we were great at.  I knew for one we were terrible actors, I'm a terrible actor for christ sakes but...at least only people enjoy some of the jokes we made throughout the movie.  George had met the love of his life Pattie Boyd while filming the train scene and was determined to become her boyfriend, which I thought was good for him.  

     We were dropped one by one at our private flats in London, and soon it had just been me.  I lived quite far from the studio we recorded at but, I still managed to get a ride anywhere without being harmed by the fangirls.  I thanked the driver and he rolled away as I went inside of my flat again closing the door behind me.   The movie of a Hard Day's Night was a huge hit, many people were going out too see it, mostly to see us Beatles of course.  

..............................The next morning I awoke late at around 12 Noon, I rubbed my eyes yawning as I got out of bed.

  The phone rang in my flat, and I went over to answer it,

"Hello?  Yes, Yes this is Mr. McCartney.  OH Heather!  Very nice to hear your voice again." I said in a respectful tone.

Heather spoke over the phone with me,

"I saw your guys' film and I thought it was great.  You were very wonderful."  

"Aw, thank you, er- how's your job going?"

Heather chuckled over the phone, "Oh y'know same old, same old, nothing too interesting except for the raging war in Vietnam.  That kinda stuff."

"Ah.  I see, well I'm glad your going great what else has been happening?"

"My boss has been on to me about helping out with this article on famous music and I was asking for your approval if I could reference your band and songs.  I'm working along with my colleagues so, they need some permission and approval."

I chuckled, " I would say yes but, you'd have to go to our manager first, but for sure, I would allow that.  Who do you work with?"

"My colleagues are Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein,   they've worked on a lot of famous cases for the Washington Post.  Overall, they work very hard at what they do but...Nevermind all that boring stuff, how have you've been back in Liverpool?"

"Just recording new music, me and my other lads have been hoping to return to tour the United States again.  Which would be nice, although we do need to come up with some new material for next year in coming of 65'.  Overall I've been quite bored lately ha ha."

"Have you ever thought about taking a trip on your own, maybe under disguise to see new places without being interrupted?" Heather asked me suddenly over the phone.  

I went silent, my right hand over the bottom of the phone, I thought about what she had said to me for a moment, then I talked back into the phone,

"That would be very clever and funny, I don't think it would work out though.  Me' lads and our managers have us a tight schedule for touring and recording new songs.  Why?  You'd like to see me again don't you?"

I heard her giggle over the phone she sighed, "Alright, you caught me.  This is all you and your friends though, and I guess I could wait a little longer.  Right?  It won't be long? Ha ha ha."

I smiled hearing her say that, but then my mind blurted out words without thinking,

"I want to see you again too,"


I hesitated, "Oh dear, so sorry, I must've said something--without thinking I-I don't know what--,"

I stopped again a moment feeling foolish like an idiot.  I tried to speak again but I screwed up, instead, Heather spoke out for me,

"Come Paul, it turns out, I really do like you.  I don't know if you like me as much but from what I can hear, I would very much love to see you again sometime in this coming month or two if that is even possible.  Otherwise, I can wait until you return to America again when your touring with your friends."

"You are a lot smarter than me," I spoke with a chuckle.

"Well I've got to work to do this morning but, I'm glad that you are thinking like I am."

" Alright, bye Paul."said Heather.

"Bye."  Then I hung up the phone.

   I went into my living room and sat on the couch in silence  staring at the fireplace before me sipping my tea.  John Lennon had been talking to me about creating some new song for our next album and usually I'd edit some of the stuff he writes to try to make it better, or I'd add a lyric for myself.  Just as I was about to get a shower there was a knock at the door, I went over and looked through the peep hole, surprisingly it had been Ringo, although he looked a bit frazzled.  His clothes looked torn in certain places, and his clothes slightly dirty,  his hair a little messy.

I open the door to greet my lad, Starkey spoke,

"I was jus' passing by, but, I needed to tell you about er--..."

He paused, and then spoke again, "I've just had a terrible day."

"Jesus, what happened to you?!" I said inviting him inside my flat.  

Closing the door behind him and Ringo turns to me and says,

"Let's just say I need some advice..."

I nod my head crossing my arms, "Okay on what exactly?"

He paused for a moment once again with his head down, he scratched his head and then finally says,

"I need advice on dating.  And I think you'd be the right person to ask because so far, I've totally bombed all my techniques.  Could you try to help me?  I mean, since you seem to be in a relationship yourself currently..."

     "Sure Ringo, anything you need it's just, I'm not too far into my relationship so, I'll tell you what I know.  But first, tell me what happened to yourself!  I mean, you look like you just got hit by a bus and still survived somehow." I spoke.

Ringo chuckled, "Well actually, that's part of the story..."

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