The Cold Days

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     A wintry storm had blown where I lived and it became very chilly with the snow falling.  I looked outside my window as shivers went down my spine, I couldn't even bear to walk out there in the snow, I tend to get frightened of freezing to death.  Currently my friend John was staying over at my flat as he laid on my couch reading the newspaper, and drinking some tea.  He had been bored staying at his flat and had asked me over the phone if he could come over to my place, and I accepted so.  Now, he sat up on the couch looking over too me curiously,

"You still thinking about her?"

"Yes." I replied with a small chuckle.

     I turned to look back inside of my flat and see John peering over the couch with his cuppa' tea.  He looked back then to the newspaper of the Washington Post, it was more about the war going on in Vietnam but, the description from heather once again was perfect.  I had written to her last week and she came back to me with a reply, and it sounded exactly what I had said, only she had written it better then I did.  It's funny with the things she said about me.

    John Lennon had already been married to Cynthia and he had a son being cared for while he was away.  I asked him about his son, and he simply told me that he's quite a trouble maker, but a lovely child.  I thought that was very nice, I also asked about how his wife was going and he replied plainly as ever, the normal things; " Being productive, always keeping a close eye on Julian, and making sure I don't get into trouble." Lennon rolled his eyes.

"At least she cares for you, and your son," I said to John. "I think it would be a tough thing to be responsible for even though I've never had one."  

Lennon scoffed, "Your at the beginning and long ways from where I am at.   Nothing but responsibilities and being stressed out every single day of your life, then sometimes you have to take a break from it because it wears you out.  Now, I don't know if your ever going to have a child but, caring for one is a huge responsibility, how to even operate that thing.  Mostly I leave it to Cyn because she seems to know best,"

He looked up to me, "What about you? I mean, have you thought up your future at all?"

I sighed, "No, I just let time pass slowly and I let it happen when it'll happen.  At least, that's my belief."

     When I turned to look out the window again I did think about what it would be like to have a future, although, I never really know what is to actually happen, sometimes things can change and I can be full or regret and sorrow.  However, mostly I'm true to my word when it comes to commitment towards a relationship, that's all that matters.  It wouldn't be long before I would be able to see her again, and I kept telling myself that, because I know it will be true.

  I then went back into my flat and decided to write to Heather again about how it was snowing in Liverpool, asking about how her job was going, and how she's been lately, and as I was writing to her about what to say, John peered over my shoulder checking out what I had been writing, for a second he thought I was writing a song, but then he smiled seeing who it was too.  John pointed out a few things to help my message to Heather sound much better.  

   I then afterwards placed the letter into the envelope and sealed it up.  I looked to Lennon,

"Thanks mate.  I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you Macca." He said going back to sitting on the couch and drinking the rest of his tea.

   I went out of my flat again and placed the envelope into the mailbox then returned back inside quickly, my fingers had chilled very quickly as I placed them back into the pocket of my trousers.  I closed the door behind me shivering, I should've put on a coat before I went out.  Anyways, as I walked back in, John had been writing something and it was a song he'd been thinking about singing.  I heard him vocalize as well as he wrote the lyrics,

"If I fell in love with you.....would you promise too be true...and save m___No that's not right.  And...Help! Help that's it!"

     He began to write a couple more lyrics and soon I sat down next to him to see what he's been writing.  Soon, I offered to co-write with him on the song he called, "If I fell."  Soon we began to sing together too see how it sounded, for me, I thought John sang it much better then I did, and his inspiration behind the song was of John having a hard time locking his eyes upon other attractive girls and falling in love with them when he's already married.  I understood him very much.

   When the song was finished I told him that it could be used in the movie we were going to be filming for the first time.  They producers just haven't thought up the name yet, but for sure, I told John that, that song would be excellent for the film.  Lennon grinned,

"Finding the right words would have been impossible without you but, this is great!  Now, what about this film we're doing?   Cause no one has told me yet."

I replied surprised with my arms crossed, "Well, Mr. Martin told us that they are planning for us to create new songs for a movie we're making.  What do you think of that?"

"When are we going to be filming?" asked John seemingly upset.

"March 2nd, the time's coming up pretty quickly so, I've got some song ideas if you want to help me out, that way we can record them and have them ready for the movie while we're filming."

John rubbed his face as if he were stressed, "Shit Paul, why the hell didn't you tell me this earlier?!"

"Cause I just got the news yesterday from George, I'm sorry, the first one to get the news was Ringo, then George, then me, then now you.  They've decided under the studio to have a film of us." I said scratching the back of my head.

"March 2nd Eh?" 

I nod, John Lennon stood up off the couch,

"Well then...let's start writing some damn songs shall we?"

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