"How lucky."

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    I made the quick visit to the gas station and bought the goods. Then quickly made my way back home. The weather was perfect for going out today, the transition from summer to fall was pretty smooth. The trees have started turning yellow and the cherry blossoms are already loosing all their petals. I wish I got to see them earlier in the summer.

I finally got to my house, the cheap doormat mushing under my feet. I swiped my feet on it a few times, knocking the dirt off my shoes. Then I knocked on the door, I knew my Dad was home and he was capable enough to open the door.

"No one's home!" His muffled voice barely seeped through the barrier between me and the fresh air conditioning of our new house.

"Well I guess this beef jerky is all mine then."

A loud 'thud' was heard along with frantic shuffling. Then the door swung open.

"Did you really fall off the couch?"

"Maybe..." he laughed and fixed his hair.

I took a piece of his jerky out of the bag and took a bite as I came in the house.

"What took you so long anyways?" He snatched the bag from me before I could take another piece. I turned and glared at him.

"A twenty minute walk. There isn't one any closer to the house, Sir."

He made a 'o' shape with his mouth. I sighed and closed the door behind me.

"Anyway, while you were gone doing whatever, I looked at some colleges around here."

I perked up. "What did you find?"

He pulled up his laptop and we sat down on the couch. Once he pulled it open the screen lit up right away to the website he had open. He scrolled through some places he found and told me about them. Some I just wasn't interested in, or wouldn't let someone my age in. And Dad didn't like a few, which he had already eliminated them from the list.

We spent an hour looking through different colleges in our area. Reading different requirements over and over again. Then we scrolled upon one me and my dad could agree on. And I can actually go there.

"San Fransokyo Institute of Technology" Dad read. We scanned over the info on it.

"I'll send in your application-" He immediately pulled up the email draft and then I stopped him.

"I can do it myself" He still did it anyway, with me correcting him every once in a while.

"Alright, they will probably be a little upset that we applied so late. But we can finally get all of your robot trash out of the garage."

"Hey!" I glared at him, "Don't say that to my hard work... By the way, shouldn't we have applied to more than one college?"

"We'll deal with that problem when it comes."

I sighed and gave him a skeptical look. He just rolled his eyes and stuffed his face with more jerky.

"Hey! Save some for me—!"

"Why do I love you?" Hiro Hamada X Male Reader [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now