"What is up with you guys..?"

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Hiro grumpily walked farther ahead of everyone. He was busy pouting about  [Name] going with them to eat, but of course everyone else was delighted to have him come with. He scoffed and continued to leave the group in his dust.

     The rest of the group however, walked with the [h/c]ette, asking him questions and just getting to know him on general. They asked the basic stuff like where he was from, where he graduated at, why he likes robotics and such. He answered the questions respectively, until GoGo told everyone to tone it down once they started to bombard him with more questions. Wasabi, Fred, and Honey lemon started their own discussion and went ahead.

    Go go had stayed back with [Name] to talk to him. After a bit of silence she popped her gum and look to her side at him. "So... How is it labbing with Hiro so far?"

    The boy glanced to her. "Not half bad. He's... something." He chuckled.

     She looked at Hiro, who angrily stomped into the Lucky Cat Cafe by yanking the door open and going inside to probably let his aunt know he's there. [Name] had seen the sight as well. Honey lemon and the others weren't too far behind, chattering as Wasabi opened the door for them. He looked over his shoulder and waiting for the last two to come inside.

     "I feel like he would beg to differ." They both laughed amongst themselves as they entered the Cafe. Where they were greeted by a woman with brown hair. Her whole demeanor lit up as she laid eyes on the group, immediately walking out from behind the cafe counter and over to them. Everyone was smiling and waving to her, even her and Honey Lemon hugged.

     "Hey you guys! Stopping by for a quick bite? Oh," Her attention was turned to [Name], surprised to see a new face. "Who's this?" She put her hand on her hip and smiled.

     Gogo ruffled his hair and put an arm over his shoulder. "This is [Name], newest addition to the nerd lab."

     He protested quietly at her assault and fixed his hair then awkwardly waved.

     "It's so great to meet you! I'm Cass. If you want everyone calls me Aunt Cass here." She let out a giggle. "I'm Hiro's aunt. I'm sure you'll like it there at SFIT he loves it. I'm assuming you and him are similar in age..? Ah but go, sit! Make yourself at home! I'll be with you guys in a moment."

     She hurried back to the counter, finishing up the orders she was working on before we got here. We all walked to a booth, it was one of those fun horseshoe shaped ones.

'Since we have a larger group of people it only makes sense we sit here, but still I'm excited.' The boy thought as he took a seat. The seat arrangement went like this:

-Honey Lemon - edge
-Gogo - inner ledge
-[Name] - center
-Hiro - center
-Wasabi - inner ledge
-Fred - outer ledge

     Unfortunately for everyone, Hiro and [Name] sat next to each-other. Hiro began to argue.

      "Can someone switch with me? I don't want to sit here."

     "Why..?" Honey Lemon gave him a slightly puzzled look.

     "For personal reasons." The two gave each-other a nasty side glare.

"Why do I love you?" Hiro Hamada X Male Reader [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now