"Uh, hi."

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    I followed Wasabi into the middle of the laboratory, the workstations were empty for the fist time I have been here. Everyone else had already gathered into the middle of the room before Wasabi brought me here.

He motioned for me to stop and clapped loudly to get everyone's attention. "Alright, is everyone here?"

Murmurs echoed throughout the room. I peeked out for, behind Wasabi, who took the whispers as a yes and continued with what he was going to say.

"Good morning guys, I'll make this announcement quick. We have a new addition to our world of nerds, this is [Name]!" He pulled me out from behind him and held my shoulders. "Treat him kindly, since I'm sure he will bring some fresh insight into our world of technology!"

A chorus of hellos came from the crowd as they left to get back to their projects. Almost everyone cleared out except for a small group of students. Wasabi let go of me and a tall girl with long, sunny yellow hair walked straight in my direction. She waved a little then stopped to hold out her hand to me, I grabbed it and looked up at her.

"Hi! My name is Honey lemon! It is amazing to meet you! It's so nice to have someone new joining us here!" She swung my hand up and down excessively, making me laugh out of nervousness.

"Thanks... and hi to you as well..." I smiled awkwardly.

She let go and pushed her glasses up on her face, smiling brightly. She moved to stand next to Wasabi, making quiet conversation with him.


The voice was so close it made me immediately whip my head back in front of me. A girl dressed up in a leather jacket and biker get up. Her hair was short and black as the coat she wore, but what stood out was the bright purple strip of hair. She glared down at me, popping her gum loudly. I adjusted my beanie, waiting for her to say.... Well anything.

The silence hung in the air, until she finally opened her mouth. "GoGo." She patted my head and walked away, my beanie slipped down and covered my eyes.

I took it off and put it on again to fix I and saw what looked like a large blue gremlin walking towards me. It stood right in front of me and held out its hand, I glanced at the others in confusion as I hesitantly shook its hand. Wasabi cleared his throat.

"Fred, you're in costume."

"Oh right!" Muffled laughter was heard. He let go of my hand and pushed the top of the costume off his head, revealing a guy who you could probably stereotype as a stoner.

"I'm Fred." He smiled and looked up at the top of my head. "Heeeey! We are beanie buddies! Look at us!"

I giggled a little bit at that, he smiled and began to turn around.

"It was cool to meet you [Almost your Name]! I'm off to go get lunch, bye." He waved and put the top of the costume back on. The others said bye as he left.

"He isn't majoring in our department, he just kind of hangs out with us on his free time." I heard Honey Lemon laugh behind me, I looked at her. "But on a different topic, look at you! You are so cute and small!"

"Hey! I'm not small—!"

"Wait. Guys." Wasabi stopped the interaction before it can go any further. "Where's Hiro?"

"He's on his way, Honey Lemon woke him up from his nap, so he's busy throwing a fit for a good 20 minutes." Gogo yelled from across the room.

"He's not throwing a fit! He was just getting ready!" Honey lemon retorted.

I turned to face Wasabi. "He's the guy I'm sharing my lab with right?"

"Yeah. He should be here any-"

We all turned our heads at the sound of the lab door opening, the first thing my eyes met was a mess of dark, poofy, hair. He looked like he was around my age, his facial features were round and his his eyes were a dark brown. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head as he took his time getting over here.

"...Minute." Wasabi regained his composure and met him halfway. "Hiro! There you are. This is your new labbie." He motioned over to me.

The boy scoffed and glanced at Wasabi. "Labbie?" He gave a slightly judgmental look, probably criticizing the older man's word choices. He switched his attention to me and stood in front of me.

"I'm Hiro. Hiro Hamada." He stared intensely, leaning closer to my face.

"...[Name].....[Last-name].." I took a step away from him. "What the hell are you doing?"

This guy, who I now know as Hiro, moved back once he realized I did. "Nothing, you just looked familiar."

"Just because I'm familiar doesn't mean you can get in my face, how would you like it, huh?" I got in his face to prove my point.

"Super weird." I crossed my arms.

He gave me an offended look. "I didn't-"

"Alright that's a rough start-" Wasabi slid in between us. "You two better get along cause you're sharing a lab. Okay?"

"Fine." I grumbled under my breath.

"I guess." Hiro crossed his arms and looked away.


Honey lemon and GoGo watched as Wasabi escorted the pair to their lab. Gogo clicked her tongue to herself as she turned back to her project, melding metal plates together. Honey Lemon looked at her.

"I already have a bad feeling about this. It's funny, but still."

The blonde sighed and leaned against the wall. "Don't say that, I'm sure it won't be that bad. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

"You won't be saying that when those two start throwing wrenches at each other from across the room." She growled to herself, realizing she put one of the plates on backwards.

Before Honey Lemon could say anything else, an exhausted Wasabi retreated back over to them. He stressfully ran his hand through his hair. "I'm already worried."

"It'll be fine. Hopefully Hiro doesn't bully [Name] too much." Honey lemon giggled.

GoGo snickered again. The two turned their heads to her, she flicked up her welder's mask. "I would be more worried about Hiro."

"Why?" Both Wasabi and Honey Lemon asked in sync.

"Just a hunch. Hiro isn't used to being around another nerd his age."

"Why do I love you?" Hiro Hamada X Male Reader [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now