"Woo, lab buddies!"

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     I am already over having to share a lab with Hamada. I decided for the best that I should just stay on my side and mind ny business. I have a feeling that we aren't going to mesh very well, and I was still irritated because of earlier. But it's not that big of a deal I guess. I looked at some blueprints I brought to get my mind off of it. I was enjoying the silence.

     "Hey shortstack, do you have any micro screwdrivers? I can't find mine." His voice completely shattered the internal peace I was having. Remembering that him being annoying is a little bit of a challenge to deal with.  This was the third time he interrupted me doing something.

     I huffed. "One, we are the same height. Two, you would probably be able to find them if you actually cleaned your desk. Three, yes but I'm not letting you use them. You'll probably lose them with that stick you lost in your ass."

     I didn't realize the last part slipped out of my mouth until I said it, before I could try to say anything to keep an argument from brewing I heard the wheels of his chair slide across the floor.

    He sarcastically laughed as he rolled over to my side of the lab. "A stick up MY ass? It seems like you have an even thicker one up yours!" He moved his goggles off of his eyes and back up of his nest of hair.

     I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." I began to rummage through my drawers, pretending like I was doing something so he could piss off.

     "Come on, I just need the screwdriver. What's your problem." He held his hand out.

     I ignored him and found some bolts I could use. "I told you no." I moved to a different drawer to grab some tools.

     Hamada groaned and rolled back to his desk. He started rummaging through his pile of chaos. A few minutes went by and he still couldn't find them, I couldn't focus on my own work because of all the noise he was making. So I stopped what I was doing and walked over to where he was, leaning on the wall and watching.

     "It's not there."

     He started grumbling and looked in a different spot.

     "Not there either."

     He angrily slammed his hands on his desk and stood up, knocking some things over on it. He glared at me and crossed his arms 'why don't you do it' was written all over his face. I glared back at him but broke the eye contact. I then leaned on his desk and opened the second drawer down. His eyes followed my hands. The drawer opened to display two different screwdriver containers. His eyes softened in surprise.

     "Oh, thanks." He reached for them but stopped himself. "How did you know where they were? Did you take something?" He squinted his eyes at me, grabbing the box of screwdrivers while doing so.

     "No, I saw Wasabi put them in there when I was unpacking. Chill out." I walked back to my desk and began modifying a old project I started a while back.


     The lab was silent as the two boys focused on their projects for the past hour and some. Hiro, was creating a updated microchip for Baymax's helmet while [Name] worked on modifying a old helmet he had lying around that he made as a prototype. He was building it and sketching up new blueprints at the same time.

     The door quietly creaked open as Honey Lemon peeked in, letting out a sigh of relief upon seeing they were coexisting. She knocked on the doorframe to get their attention.

      "Hey, are you two hungry? You can take a break and come eat with us if you want!"

     Hiro nodded excitedly and ripped off his goggles, tossing them onto his desk and getting up. She smiled and then glanced at the other teen, noticing that he was still absorbed in his work. "[Name]?"

     He jolted and almost dropped his helmet when she called his name, clearing his throat and quickly stuffing what he was working on into a random box. He wiped the residue on his hands off on his apron.


      "Would you like to go out and eat with us? It doesn't hurt to get some fresh air!"

     "No! Don't invite him! He should stay here." Hiro hissed from where he was standing.

     "Hiro shush! That's rude." Honey lemon gave him a look. "Don't mind him, I think it would be nice for you to come! And it'll help you get to know the area better!" Her eye's basically were pleading for him to go, making it hard to even say no.

     But he wasn't intending on saying no in the first place, because the resistance from the other teen had egged him on going.

      "Sure I would love to go. It's a bit stuffy here anyways." He smirked and glanced at Hiro, making it obvious that was a slight insult directed at him. He took off his apron and goggles and placed them on his desk. He then threw on his jacket.

     Honey Lemon and Hiro walked out the door, making [Name] do a little jog to catch up. He turned the light off to the lab and shut the door behind him.

"Why do I love you?" Hiro Hamada X Male Reader [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now